Waiting for the Train


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21 Apr 2008

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542 visits

Waiting for the Train


01 Aug 2019

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316 visits

Sports Half-Time


01 May 2021

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206 visits

Deer On The Forest Trail

I only got one click from the camera shutter of this guy before he leaped off into the woods. Made at Homewood Izaak Walton Preserve in Illinois - USA. www.ipernity.frankjcasella.com

06 Apr 2012

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126 visits

Good Friday

Panoramic framing of Jesus on the Crucifix, with Palms - Copyright 2012 Frank J Casella "He submerged himself into our mess and it was our mess that killed him. Easter is primarily a celebration of forgiveness, of reconciliation and absolution. What moves us to our depths; what shocks us in our surprise is the realization that God the Father did not take vengeance on us for what we did to his Son but has decided to start over again with us in such a remarkable way of raising his Son to life again and wrapping us up with him in that Life. This indeed is what Easer is all about. Each year on the feast of the Resurrection we Christians climb to the roof tops, as it were, and shout out to the world a piece of Good news that has disturbed the status quo of the world ever since, namely, that our God in Jesus Christ is alive when evil men meant him dead. For this reason, Easter is more than an event. More than one Sunday in the calendar when we munch on chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chickadees. Easter is an attitude. Easter is liberation. Easter is Life, our life in the here and now and hereafter. Let this feast of feasts for Christians be the day to start over, to cross the chasm, to repair the broken, to rediscover God’s extraordinary grace transforming our most ordinary days." - Bishop Joseph N. Perry of Chicago www.frankjcasella.ipernity.com