In All Circumstances, Give Thanks

Catholic Subjects

13 Nov 2017

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In All Circumstances, Give Thanks

"Failure is an event, not a person". - Zig Ziglar We either succeed or we learn. When I sit in the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and give thanks for life and every breath I take, I realize how much it's more about the big picture of things and less about me. "In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thes. 5:18 Thanks for reading. Frank J Casella

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26 Nov 2018

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Day of Interment


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03 Oct 2018

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Measuring Up To Jesus

The other day when I was on Twitter a quote I saw from sales guru hit me: You become what you think about all day long. It made me ponder on what I think about every day, which lead me to realize how much my thinking, and lifestyle, has changed over the years. I used to be more selfish, helping and serving others with the end motive of serving my own needs and ego, and praying for my own needs -- talking to God more than listening. St. Francis says [that] it is through giving that we receive, and I took it literal. Today, when I give of myself I do not look for what I receive, because the real gift is how God is blessing others through me .. which I may never see. My agenda has become Gods agenda. Said another way, I live my life as a prayer. If we focus our attention on bad news and gossip, and distractions, we will miss God's incredible, visionary, optimistic purpose for every believer: to grow so much in our faith that we shine like beacons to everyone around us! God's vision for each church is that we would grow so much in our love for God that we'd love people the way He loves them: unconditionally and passionately. He want's us to be filled up with Christ's grace, truth, and purpose so that everything we do will reflect Him to those around us. I assure you, the longer you look at Jesus on that Cross, the more He will speak to you about who you are and how you can become more Holy. The greatest image I have of my late father is how he prayed the rosary, looking at the Cross, each morning in a room with only the window light , just him and God, before leaving for work. The greatest image my children say they have of me is how I kiss the crucifix each morning as soon as I wake up. What they do not see is how often I spend just gazing at it in holy contemplation. "If a hypocrite is standing between you and God, it just means the hypocrite is closer to God than you are." -- Zig Ziglar

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28 Dec 2009

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Merry Christmas 2021

The Lord stepped out of heaven And came to live among us! May the graces of His Coming Bless you and every one and Every thing that is important to you! Wishing you and your family every blessing of the Christmas Season! --- Photo: The Christmas Chreche at the Archbishop's residence in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright 2009 Frank J Casella (The Orton Effect soft focus is intentional)

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17 Feb 2023

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Holy Gate

Holy Gate - The Holy Gate separates the place of worship from the Holy tabernacle in a Catholic Church. The place for Holy adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ.

06 Apr 2012

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Good Friday

Panoramic framing of Jesus on the Crucifix, with Palms - Copyright 2012 Frank J Casella "He submerged himself into our mess and it was our mess that killed him. Easter is primarily a celebration of forgiveness, of reconciliation and absolution. What moves us to our depths; what shocks us in our surprise is the realization that God the Father did not take vengeance on us for what we did to his Son but has decided to start over again with us in such a remarkable way of raising his Son to life again and wrapping us up with him in that Life. This indeed is what Easer is all about. Each year on the feast of the Resurrection we Christians climb to the roof tops, as it were, and shout out to the world a piece of Good news that has disturbed the status quo of the world ever since, namely, that our God in Jesus Christ is alive when evil men meant him dead. For this reason, Easter is more than an event. More than one Sunday in the calendar when we munch on chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chickadees. Easter is an attitude. Easter is liberation. Easter is Life, our life in the here and now and hereafter. Let this feast of feasts for Christians be the day to start over, to cross the chasm, to repair the broken, to rediscover God’s extraordinary grace transforming our most ordinary days." - Bishop Joseph N. Perry of Chicago