Ready for take-off

Ancient history

A parade of Hittite gods

02 Oct 2012 3 240
At Yazilikaya, central Turkey

Hieroglyphic inscription

23 Jan 2005 199
Taken in the ruins of a temple built by Amenophis III

Machu Pichu

Machu Pichu

23 Jun 2006 246
A small burst of sunlight appeared just in time.

Medinet Habu

20 Jan 2005 284
The great temple of Ramesses III taken from a hot air balloon at sunrise.

Known locally as "fairy chimneys"

11 Feb 2014 1 234
Taken near Pasabagi in Cappadoccia, Turkey. These strange geological forms have been hollowed out to contain homes and churches decorated with wonderful frescoes.

Rock cut dwellings

11 Feb 2014 246
Taken near Pasabagi in Cappadoccia, Turkey.

A strange looking police station

30 Sep 2012 241
Taken near Pasabagi in Cappadoccia, Turkey.

Pont du Guard

02 Nov 2013 232
A wonderful example of Roman civil engineering.

Tuthmosis III

18 Jan 2005 196
Tuthmosis III - a statue in the Luxor museum

Poulnabrone Portal Tomb

10 May 2005 2 2 311
At the centre of the Burren in County Clare. One of the most famous megalithic tombs in Ireland. It was in continuous use between 3800 and 3200BC.


10 Mar 2014 2 1 264
Indian Prehistoric cave paintings showing a man riding an elephant.


26 Jun 2014 1 1 265
The remains of the great fortress built by the Knights Templars in the Dordogne

Les Eyzies

25 Jun 2014 251
The famous Paleolithic rock shelter

Mayan Altar Q at Copan

22 Oct 2010 1 197
Yax Kuk Mo, the first king of Copan (2nd from left) is depicted passing the sceptre of office to Yax Pasaj Chaan Yopat, the 16th king.

Copan ball court

23 Oct 2010 272
Here the Mayans played their ball game with a solid rubber ball. I don't know what the rules were but the ball was not supposed to touch the ground and the losing team was usually sacrificed !

Copan - Stela A

23 Oct 2010 314
A stela depicting Waxxaklajuun Ubaah Kawiil (usually known as 18 Rabbit), the 13th king of Copan probably dated to about 730AD.

Copan - altar

23 Oct 2010 261
The altar before stela D - a fearsome representation of the Mayan rain god Chac

49 items in total