Lough Cutra - Jan 2013

Lough Cutra

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31 Dec 2012

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207 visits

Lough Cutra - Jan 2013

This is where our daughter lives, within sight of Lough Cutra in Galway (Ireland). It is claimed to be the largest privately owned lake in Europe.

31 Dec 2012

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207 visits

Lough Cutra - Jan 2013

31 Dec 2012

195 visits

Lough Cutra - Jan 2013

31 Dec 2012

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217 visits

Lough Cutra - Jan 2013

31 Dec 2012

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246 visits

Lough Cutra, Galway, Ireland - Jan 2013

This is claimed to be the largest privately owned lake in Europe. Our daughter lives nearby & has a rowing boat on the Lough.

03 Feb 2014

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235 visits

Lough Cutra - July 2013

Kate & Mili's boat. Rowing it is quite a challenge as the oars are too long and the boat is not very stable. Great fun though.

20 Jul 2013

125 visits

Lough Cutra - July 2013

20 Jul 2013

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186 visits

Lough Cutra - July 2013

Our daughter's boat. Not very stable and quite difficult to row !

22 Dec 2013

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313 visits

Lough Cutra - Dec 2013

Our daughter lives by the shores of this lake. We swam here on a hot day in July. Wonderful warm water and very clear. Sat on a fallen tree after our swim and drank gin & tonic. What more could anyone want.
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