Vancouver Cityscape at Dusk

Night Shots

After the sun sets natural and artifical lighting make very interesting shots.

21 Feb 2014

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Vancouver Cityscape at Dusk

Found this angle at a park to get Cypress Ski hill lights in the background of Vancouver.

20 Mar 2014

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955 visits

TED Talks - Interactive Art Sculpture

This year the TED talks are held at the New Convention Centre here in Vancouver. This mesh sculpture is suspended between the convention centre and another building. At dusk they turn on the wireless connection and light display. With your wireless phone tablet etc. you connect to the system and use your touch screen to interact with the program changing patterns on the sculpture. It is not possible to show the patterns with the photography as the exposure is several seconds. It still turns out great thought with the colour patterns. The building in the background is the Hotel portion of the Canada Place Convention Centre.

20 Mar 2014

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TED Talks at Vancouver Convention Centre

This is a view of the newer convention centre where the TED talks were held. You can see the TED symbol at the far right of the image and in the top left corner the interactive light sculpture. I have heard that everything is going well with this location and we may be holding the TED talks for a few years.

25 Jul 2015

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Celebration of Light - China

This past Saturday was the start of the annual Honda Celebration of Light at English Bay Vancouver. China is the first of three countries in the event with Brazil this Wed. and Canada Saturday Aug 1st.

01 Aug 2015

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Canada - Celebration of Light

This shot is from Capitol Hill in North Burnaby. Aug 2 was the last of the Honda Celebration of Light. Canada won this competition against China and Brazil.