Dave C's photos

Great Tit 3

Great Tit 1

Chaffinch 2


15 Mar 2024 1 14
Photo information. 600mm 1/3200 F9 ISO8000

Jay in the grass 3

13 Mar 2024 3 1 18
This is the last Jay image for now.

Jay in the grass 2

12 Mar 2024 12 8 46
Photo information. 600mm lens. 1/2000 sec at F6.3, ISO 4000. Post processing in Lightroom and Photoshop. My screen has not been calibrated so I hope it looks ok on other devices.

Jay in the grass

The Final Woodpecker Portrait

10 Mar 2024 4 34
This series of bird photo's have been taken in my garden from a pop up bird hide. There are many other birds and animals that visit my garden that I have been unable to capture at this time. The first challenge is to take the photo's. The second challenge is to get the best out of the image with post processing. This can be more difficult to achieve than getting the initial photograph. Many of my photo's do not require too much processing but I am aware that some don't look their best even after processing. This is the third woodpecker image that I have uploaded recently but this is the one that I would be very happy to hang on my wall. In my opinion it is one of my best ever images. My screen is not calibrated so I hope that it looks good on other screens. Best viewed in full screen. Many thanks for all your comments. Feedback is always greatly appreciated.


06 Mar 2024 19
Photo details. 200/600mm lens shot at 430mm. 1/3200 second shutter speed. F7.1 ISO 5000. Post processing in Lightroom. Minimal crop at 16:10 to fit my pc screen.

454 photos in total