Muck Fly - 2


Final image of the European Hornet

25 May 2018 15 8 252
Not one of the best quality photo's.. A few issues with the focus stacking. 284 stacked images. Explored.

Return Of The Red Eyed Fly

Final image of the Red Eyed Fly

27 May 2018 4 2 218
Thank you to all who take the time to look and comment on my images. All feedback greatly appreciated.

2010 Cricket - Re-processed

27 May 2018 22 12 237
A photo that I took in 2010. I've always liked this image so I re-processed to bring it up to date. Explored.

Cricket Portrait

Another Day, Another Fly

01 Jun 2018 11 5 282
No focus stacking with this one.

Jumping Spider

Stag Beetle - Epic Failure....

01 Jun 2018 9 4 222
Or... The one that got away! First chance I've ever had to photograph a Stag Beetle. Trying to focus my camera by torchlight. Only got this one shot before she flew away. Rare chance missed! Explored.

Nigella Flower

Hide And Seek

06 Jun 2018 9 7 148
Aphid hideout.

Stag Beetle Portrait

08 Jun 2018 20 11 387
Got lucky with the Stag Beetle today. She allowed a couple of photo's before wandering away. Explored.

Damsel Fly Portrait

09 Jun 2018 35 23 366
Explore front page.

Water Boatman

12 Jun 2018 1 1 303
Not the best quality image. Photographed through glass. Need to find a better glass container for these type of images.

Male Stag Beetle Portrait

12 Jun 2018 3 1 362
Second shot of the Male Stag Beetle

House Fly Portrait

13 Jun 2018 15 12 369
Found some more magnification this evening. 35mm prime lens reversed on a 70 - 200 zoom lens. Down side is the vignetting which makes higher f-stops unusable.


16 Jun 2018 7 4 341
Blue Bottle. Posted in landscape for a better view. Thanks for looking. Explored.

153 items in total