Dave C's photos

Male Stag Beetle

12 Jun 2018 3 285
I was lucky enough to find a male Stag Beetle at the weekend.

Water Boatman

12 Jun 2018 1 1 318
Not the best quality image. Photographed through glass. Need to find a better glass container for these type of images.

Damsel Fly Portrait

09 Jun 2018 35 22 378
Explore front page.

Stag Beetle Portrait

08 Jun 2018 20 10 400
Got lucky with the Stag Beetle today. She allowed a couple of photo's before wandering away. Explored.

Hide And Seek

06 Jun 2018 9 7 155
Aphid hideout.

Nigella Flower

Stag Beetle - Epic Failure....

01 Jun 2018 9 4 230
Or... The one that got away! First chance I've ever had to photograph a Stag Beetle. Trying to focus my camera by torchlight. Only got this one shot before she flew away. Rare chance missed! Explored.

Jumping Spider

Another Day, Another Fly

01 Jun 2018 11 5 288
No focus stacking with this one.

Cricket Portrait

2010 Cricket - Re-processed

27 May 2018 22 12 246
A photo that I took in 2010. I've always liked this image so I re-processed to bring it up to date. Explored.

Flight Of The Bumble Bee

27 May 2018 11 6 284
I spent an hour in the garden earlier trying to get a bee in flight. I used a fully manual lens for this. No chance of getting this close with the kit lens. Flash used to freeze the movement. It took maybe 30 attempts before I got this one.

Incy Wincy Spider

27 May 2018 8 1 174
In the flower bed.

Final image of the Red Eyed Fly

27 May 2018 4 2 221
Thank you to all who take the time to look and comment on my images. All feedback greatly appreciated.

Return Of The Red Eyed Fly

Final image of the European Hornet

25 May 2018 15 8 257
Not one of the best quality photo's.. A few issues with the focus stacking. 284 stacked images. Explored.

455 items in total