
Well, they look like art installations to me.

Thanks to Flickr's Uncle Lynx for the idea.
27 Feb 2017 9 17 487
Better detail in the big view (type Z to see it).
24 May 2017 7 14 266
To me it looks more colourful big. Just click the photo and see!

Happy Fence Friday


07 Jun 2017 2 12 319
Toronto Engineering and Construction Services (TECS) is an artistic collective that mainly works with land art. By rejecting any subjective conception of truth as well as global cultural narratives, TECS creates intense personal moments masterfully composed by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles. TECS’ land art installations are based on formal associations which open a unique poetic vein. Multilayered images arise in which the fragility and instability of our seemingly certain reality is questioned. By applying abstraction, TECS creates, with daily, recognizable elements, an unprecedented situation in which the viewer is confronted with the conditioning of his own perception and has to reconsider his biased position. TEC’ relentlessly references recognizable form. The results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and possible interpretation becomes multifaceted. By choosing mainly formal solutions, TECS tries to develop forms that do follow logical criteria and formal parallels, but which incite the viewer to make new personal associations to this logic and form. TECS’ work urges us to renegotiate land art as being part of a reactive or – at times – revolutionary medium, commenting on liberating themes in our contemporary society. [Based on an artist statement generated by 500 Letters ]

Installation 11

Installation 12

Happy Fence Friday

21 Jul 2017 11 18 355
Another one I think looks more interesting big, but again that could just be me.

Street sculpture

Installation 18

53 items in total