Rus in urbe 2

Rus in urbe

I would like to make it clear that, sketchy as some of these efforts to bring the look of the country into the city may appear. I love them all. In a city whose buildings are as blandly coloured as Toronto's or London, Ontario's, any display of colour I regard as a friendly gesture intended to make my life more enjoyable. I also find this display more enjoyable than those leafy squares in London s…  (read more)

Rus in urbe 37

20 Sep 2014 15 9 138
I still don't have anything new I want to post, so here's one I took in 2014.

Rus in urbe 38

11 Oct 2022 15 20 139
Perhaps I oversharpened this. If, in fact, there is such a thing as oversharpening. I don't think there's an ISO standard for sharpness. So maybe I didn't oversharpen it. I need to get off my back.

Under the ground

10 Sep 2013 12 12 126
Taken on the way to Chiswick Park on the London Underground.

Rus in urbe #40

Everydayland 136

18 Oct 2015 12 22 110
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