Eaton Centre, Toronto

Eaton Centre

The Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto. Part of the mall opened for business in 1977. When completed it stretched from Dundas Street West to Queen Street West (about 450 metres). It has since incorporated the Hudson's Bay store on the south side of Queen.

I thought I had more photos posted of the Centre, but I guess I deleted some of them when the future of ipernity was i…  (read more)

03 Apr 2019

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313 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto

Part of the Queen Street elevation of the Toronto Eaton Centre (this section was opened in 1978; the architects were Craig Zeidler Strong Architects with Bregman + Hamann Architects). The bridge at lower left is more recent (2017; WilkinsonEyre Architects and Zeidler Partnership Architects). The PiPs at lower left show two other photos of the bridge.

29 Sep 2017

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630 visits

Queen Street, Toronto

A view of the interior of the bridge is in the PiP at bottom left.

17 Nov 2017

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558 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto

The new bridge (2017, WilkinsonEyre Architects and Zeidler Partnership Architects) over Queen Street at the Eaton Centre, Toronto.Taken from the Hudson's Bay Company end. A view from below is in the PiP at bottom left.

15 Apr 2019

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488 visits

29 Jan 2014

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156 visits

When I posted this I said that this view had disappeared, since this end of the bridge had been moved. In fact, it was the other end that was moved. I'm pretty sure the mesh is gone, though.

09 Feb 2011

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116 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto

Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto that is a major tourist attraction. I am reposting some photos of the Centre that I had removed, and have created an album for the Eaton Centre. The PiP at top left has a view of this tower from inside the building.

22 Mar 2013

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153 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto

Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto that is a major tourist attraction. The geese are a sculpture by Michael Snow called "Flight Stop". It consists of photographs of a goose over fibreglass and styrofoam cores. This is a re-edit of an old post that I deleted when the site seemed to be about to close. More photos of the Eaton Centre will be coming; I have created an album for them. Since artistic copyright is a popular issue these days, I'll mention that in 1981 Snow sued the Eaton Centre when it put ribbons on the birds' necks for Christmas. He had to prove prejudice to his honour or reputation, and he won the suit. Since then the Canadian Copyright Act has been amended so that any modification to a painting, sculpture, or engraving is always considered prejudicial.

21 Feb 2014

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77 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto

It's February 21, 2014, and concerned Canadians are watching the Olympic (ice) hockey semi-final at Toronto Eaton Centre. Canada was playing the US and the good guys won and went on to win the gold medal. The Canadian women's team also won gold. Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto that is a major tourist attraction.

09 Feb 2013

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95 visits

Eaton Centre, Toronto, #9

Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto that is a major tourist attraction. A highlight of the Centre is the sculpture Flight Stop by Michael Snow, which consists of 60 Canada geese appearing to make a landing. Each goose was made by wrapping a composite photograph of a goose around a core of fibreglass over styrofoam. For more information about the sculpture click the PiP at top left.
18 items in total