Ed Ruscha Never Passed This Way...


If I call them tributes they seem less derivative, eh?

01 Sep 2017

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Ed Ruscha Never Passed This Way...

...but I did. I like both his photographs and his hardedge paintings of gas stations. I don't have any perspective here so this must have been inspired by his photographs. Both the photos and the paintings are totally cool but in different ways. hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu/sites/hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu/files/styles/learning_to_look_full/public/l2l-modern-painting-full_0.jpg?itok=9X07cNkS More detail on black (click the photo to see). ====== More tributes: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

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10 Jul 2018

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Ed Ruscha made me take this

Fifty-odd years ago Time magazine published a copy of one of Ed Ruscha's gas station paintings. It leapt off the page at me and made me look at it. Then I forgot about it for forty-odd years until I took up photography. I discovered then that that painting had been thriving in my unconscious and was influencing the photos I took. This photo is of course a long way away from Ruscha's painting -- it isn't a gas station, it has two perspectives instead of one, it's shot from above while the POV in Ruscha's painting was from below, and so on. The influence is seen -- at least to me, an entirely subjective judge, who has been wrong many, many times before -- in the concentration on converging lines and what I consider to be its hard-edge look. I know this was a largely self-indulgent digression but I had to explain the title, din I? Another homage to Ruscha in the PiP. Technical note: Taken with my arm in a sling. My elbow is still recuperating, but I was able to take this without bending it. ==================== In my self-absorption I forgot that it would be a good idea to post a link to the painting -- thanks to Sarah Paris who has provided a link below. And here it is here: www.moma.org/collection/works/76637 More tributes to photographers and painters: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

07 Mar 2013

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Ed Ruscha seems the most likely inspiration for this. More tributes to painters and photographers: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

04 Apr 2021

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This seems to have been inspired by Ed Ruscha. More tributes to painters and photographers: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

24 Jun 2019

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I remember Barney

Tundra by Barnett Newman: i.pinimg.com/736x/89/a4/e2/89a4e23a037e888c2f29c18a84e24fe3--barnett-newman-design-furniture.jpg More tributes: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

02 Feb 2020

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Haunted by Barney

Barnett Newmans's vertical lines (aka zips, but I didn't want to say "Barnett Newman's zips") have been haunting me lately, so I have started an album for photos exploring (ahem) the function of the zip. Or something. Below is an earlier pic on the same theme. ANother album with more tributes to painters to painters and photographers: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

07 Jan 2015

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Newmanism #3

More Newmanismania: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1262060 More tributes to painters and photographers: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

19 Apr 2018

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Inspired by Jasper Johns. More tributes: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580

06 Dec 2018

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Everywhere you go, tributes to Andy Warhol. As well there should be. Some other tributes: www.ipernity.com/doc/fitzgerald/album/1294982?with=45547580
35 items in total