Canadian surfaces

I have re-selected the photos for this album in an attempt to include photos that were more like the ones in American Surfaces, but it turned out I don't have any. So we're stuck with these,
27 Oct 2013 13 16 150
For the big version type Z.
27 Jan 2009 20 19 151
On the way out of St. Patrick subway station in Toronto.

Richmond and Queens, London, Ontario

17 Feb 2021 15 21 189
I prefer the really big view -- type Z then click the representation of a frame at top right), but your preference may vary. I believe Édifice Dominion Public should should, by Canadian standards, read Édifice Dominion-Public , or, better yet, Édifice fédéral . The word "Dominion" is pretty much taboo in Canada now (as a vestige of colonial rule) except in the names of the beautiful Dominion Public Buildings that the federal government put up all over the country.
18 Feb 2014 21 21 197,+Toronto,+ON/@43.6480192,-79.3835223,3a,37.5y,29.17h,74.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjDJ_7G607xoqNcfRDyFQiA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x882b34d239da86cf:0x6cc9aae21d43fff0!8m2!3d43.6476565!4d-79.3848108

Oxford at Richmond

08 Sep 2021 11 15 154
London, Ontario, Canada. Red = Liberal Orange = New Democrat Green = Green I just realized this fits the description of many of my photos made by rdhinmn two days ago: divided into two by a strong line, like the bus shelter post, with very different cityscapes on either side. I must look into Bob's description further.
20 Sep 2021 11 24 171
It’s Election Day in Canada! Will the PPC take votes from the CPC? Did Shachi Kurl’s ( not Scaachi Koul’s) question at the English-language leaders’ debate hand QC to the BQ? Will the CPC slogan alienate UCP voters in AB? Has the WE scandal hurt the LPC? And with Jagmeet Singh being so popular why isn’t the NDP? I dunno. What am I, some kind of psychic? My crystal ball's at the cleaners', anyway(s). I'm hoping for another minority government, though. Not only do they seem to be more productive but they are also way more entertaining.

Eaton Centre, Toronto, #9

09 Feb 2013 20 22 97
Toronto Eaton Centre is a shopping mall in downtown Toronto that is a major tourist attraction. A highlight of the Centre is the sculpture Flight Stop by Michael Snow, which consists of 60 Canada geese appearing to make a landing. Each goose was made by wrapping a composite photograph of a goose around a core of fibreglass over styrofoam. For more information about the sculpture click the PiP at top left.


06 Jul 2008 16 31 107
I just found out that an old Canadian make of car, the Ford Monarch, was in fact intended as a tribute to THE monarch, the one in England (who is also monarch in right of Canada). So this is my belated tribute to the coronation. Our current king and his mother, by the way, are the only two monarchs to be crowned as monarchs of Canada. I saw the 1952 coronation on Canadian television -- after each reel of film was developed in England it was flown to Canada on a fighter jet. Of course, the car's very regal -- look at the lion on the horn honker! And its slogan was "Ride like a king" (it came out in 1946, so George VI was the monarch then). This is a model from 1961, the last year they were produced. I know I shouldn't have leaned into the car but there you are. This was taken, by the way, at a Canadian Tire Sunday cruise, a longstanding Canadian tradition. Patriotic or what? ===== I added a shot of the exterior in the PiP at top left. You will see it has Dagmars. It also has a Continental tire kit on the back.

Happy Day!

14 Jul 2010 16 12 101
In Canada today is either, depending on where you live, Victoria Day or la Journée Nationale des Patriotes. I'd prefer to celebrate les Patriotes but in Ontario the Old Queen gets the nod. So here's a display of national, provincial, and territorial flags. I've put notes on the provincial and territorial flags I can identify. Unfortunately, there's no identifiable shot of the two flags I like most -- Quebec's (the fleurdelisé ) and Nunavut's. Ontario has the dullest flag to my mind. Manitoba's is almost as dull but at least has a buffalo on it. Here's a link to a graphic of all the flags. The graphic has the national flag wrong, but the other flags seem correct. The view is from Nathan Phillips Square toward the Toronto Eaton Centre.
25 Sep 2010 14 24 88
A Canadian institution (an Ontario and Quebec one, at least): the chip wagon. As far as I'm concerned, if they ain't chunky they ain't fries. I am sure this establishment also offers the convenience of a two-litre spray bottle of malt vinegar.

Happy Spadina Saturday!

19 Oct 2017 12 15 74
On Spadina Avenue in Toronto.

Happy Fence Friday!

Where the water tastes like wine

26 Dec 2011 14 22 98
I suspect many of you have already figured out what song I'm linking this to for the Sight and Sound group: I had hoped to link this to Henry Thomas's original recording, but it doesn't have the verse from which the title is taken.
22 Dec 2013 21 21 92
After the ice storm of 2013. The original title said this was taken on December 16, 2013, but it was actually taken on Dec. 22. A second ice storm followed a couple of days later. The PiP at top left shows another view from the same storm. ----- Several people have commented about the cold, so I'll try to clarify that. You usually get an ice storm when the ground temperature is just below 0°C and a layer of air warmer than 0°C passes above it. Rain falls through the cold air and freezes whenever it lands. So it isn't that cold, but problems develop if it stays cold near the ground, and it did in Southern Ontario. As Kenneth and Keith have noted, this ice was spectacularly thick, and it took down trees and power lines.

60 items in total