it's impossible to overdecorate a yule tree

cut-paper collage 2014

Order: newest ones uploaded at the start of the album.
  • it's impossible to overdecorate a yule tree
  • monster matinee
  • fur people day at the water exhibit
  • oblique-lined dottyback
  • things for sale on black friday
  • dark forces are arrayed against us
  • 'shrooms party like it's 1967
  • the jaws of time
  • a man's reach should exceed his grasp
  • speech bubbles
  • it's rough to be a male
  • falling yes I am falling
  • aleatory #2: zig-zag
  • at times even ultraman succumbs to abject despair
  • this collage could not possibly be as ugly as the soul of jeff koons
  • cover of letter journal
  • to a land without blue
  • animals see, people see
  • endless months of housework
  • friendship
  • closed up in a box, yet failing to hide
  • merrily merrily merrily merrily forest is but a dream
  • a certain delicacy of intent
  • 1-3-4-5-7
  • as free as a bird
  • exodus
  • springtime thermodynamics
  • leg and sky
  • arm gun die
  • how to survive infatuation
  • celebration of junk mail, outside
  • celebration of junk mail, inside
  • superheroes baffled by world's largest pollen grain
  • mister red has a few problems
  • year of the horse
  • homage to italo calvino
  • fish faces
  • spring lamb
  • tu m'as brisé le cœur
  • water mosaic
  • torn postcard
  • dr. kandinsky in his laboratory
  • the fifth dimension is closer than you think
  • cluster luck
  • star anguish
  • a craving for order
  • only connect
  • one might also resolve to...
  • I hereby resolve to...
  • out of the box
  • burst over blue