Fi Webster's photos

  • mr. cool chimera
  • what brown can do for you
  • today's moderns
  • spotted owl with curly brackets
  • envelope for gena
  • four by four
  • envelope for tone
  • klimt envelope for dani
  • klimt envelope for angie
  • envelope for karen
  • first homage to joseph cornell
  • this palpitating inward life
  • j'ai le cafard
  • wild and native #2: the flexible fox
  • wild and native #1
  • tiny green things
  • strips of scraps times five
  • oscar wilde looks into the deep past
  • summer evenings bright and slow
  • envelope for gena (with an "e")
  • envelope for gina
  • envelope for tim
  • asemic numero uno
  • envelope for john
  • the 8th plague
  • envelope for hayley
  • envelope for marge
  • annabel lee with sleepy eyes (2001-2013)
  • year of the snake
  • envelope to anny
  • envelope for long letter to olivia
  • better living through chemistry
  • envelope for denise
  • envelope for nicole
  • tiny nurses from the future
  • envelope with three rocks
  • if klimt were into topo maps
  • diatom collector has a disconcerting dream
  • dada palm trees
  • trochee mania
  • eight gods of the foot
  • the man with the beautiful face
  • yuletide postcard for richard (front & back)
  • mail art envelope for june
  • mail art postcard for richard
  • victims of the heat wave
  • ovoids with kookaburra
  • ovoids with weasel
  • mail art box for tera (lid)
  • mail art box for tera (bottom)
  • envie for envies for Dani
  • grief
  • pieces of the world
  • envelope for gina (front & back)
  • it was a dark and stormy night on titan
  • money is corruption
  • pisceana stamp, blue background
  • screeching violins
  • taunting the reaper
  • 300 million years ago
  • big envelope for alfie (front)
  • big envelope for alfie (back)
  • homemade envelope frenzy
  • USPS fruit stamps
  • envelope for Rick (front &  back)
  • this is what we're going through
  • homemade envelopes
  • I need a happy mask
  • untitled 120916
  • mail art for mike
  • fraktious (front)
  • fraktious (back)
  • envelope for danielle
  • "rocky raccoon checked into his room...
  • ammonite woman pauses to clear her syphon
  • small postcard for richard
  • dead fish blowout
  • strange sunset
  • like white on rice
  • mail art for gina
  • mail art for kerri
  • she's halving a cow
  • victorian surgeon removing a rare "decorative loveseat" tumor
  • good mail day

731 items in total