gitte.loveanimals' videos

like a rolling stone :-)

28 Apr 2019

3 favorites

312 visits

like a rolling stone :-)

not ladylike, but funny :-) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ more pictures in motion on ...
❤ the first love is the deepest ❤

14 Mar 2019

6 favorites


405 visits

❤ the first love is the deepest ❤

Our fur is ours !!!

20 Feb 2019

5 favorites

337 visits

Our fur is ours !!!

Say NO to fur !
Mit etwas Glück ...

06 Feb 2019

3 favorites


407 visits

Mit etwas Glück ...

gibt es nächste Woche vielleicht etwas Schnee :-)
rainy days in northern germany :-)

06 Feb 2019

3 favorites

332 visits

rainy days in northern germany :-)

Wetterfrosch im Regen
good morning Ipernity ☀️

05 Feb 2019

5 favorites


323 visits

good morning Ipernity ☀️

Is there still life here? :-)
guardian angel ☆☆☆

30 Jan 2019

318 visits

guardian angel ☆☆☆

dancing hearts

29 Jan 2019

277 visits

dancing hearts

Cats and birds are not necessarily friends :-)

27 Jan 2019

1 favorite

377 visits

Cats and birds are not necessarily friends :-)

60 videos in total