

18 Jun 1992

5 favorites

709 visits


Elvert, Serge and Joe Carpenter . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

18 Jun 1992

3 favorites

552 visits


Steve O'toole and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

18 Jun 1992

2 favorites

553 visits


Joe Carpenter and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

06 Dec 2008

513 visits


Cliff & Herb . Barracks Row . 8th Street, SE, WDC . Saturday evening. 6 December 2008 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

06 Dec 2008

1 favorite

958 visits


Cliff & Herb . Barracks Row . 8th Street, SE, WDC . Saturday evening. 6 December 2008 . elvertbarnes-freedom.blogspot.com/2008/12/fridays-photo-of-week-12-december-2008.html . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography

23 Jan 2010

1 favorite

606 visits


CD Cover . "You Are My Friend" . Old School R&B Mix . Celebrating Steve O'toole's 50th Bithday . January 2010 . EXB Mix #2010.1.5 Cloudcast at www.mixcloud.com/ElvertBarnes/you-are-my-friend-soul-rb-old-skool-mix-january-2010 Tracklist at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_7023b478jct Elvert Xavier Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Steve O'toole and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See original photo at https://www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/7153356 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

23 Jan 2010

1 favorite

560 visits


CD Cover . "You Are My Friend" . Old School R&B Mix . Celebrating Steve O'toole's 50th Bithday . January 2010 . EXB Mix #2010.1.5 Cloudcast at www.mixcloud.com/ElvertBarnes/you-are-my-friend-soul-rb-old-skool-mix-january-2010 Tracklist at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_7023b478jct Elvert Xavier Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Steve O'toole and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See original photo at https://www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/7153356 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

26 Jan 2010

506 visits


CD Label . "You Are My Friend" . Old School R&B Mix . Celebrating Steve O'toole's 50th Bithday . January 2010 . EXB Mix #2010.1.5 Cloudcast at www.mixcloud.com/ElvertBarnes/you-are-my-friend-soul-rb-old-skool-mix-january-2010 Tracklist at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_7023b478jct Elvert Xavier Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Steve O'toole and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See original photo at https://www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/7153356 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001

26 Jan 2010

507 visits


CD Cover / Inside (Track List) . "You Are My Friend" . Old School R&B Mix . Celebrating Steve O'toole's 50th Bithday . January 2010 . EXB Mix #2010.1.5 Cloudcast at www.mixcloud.com/ElvertBarnes/you-are-my-friend-soul-rb-old-skool-mix-january-2010 Tracklist at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_7023b478jct Elvert Xavier Barnes Mixology http://elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: Steve O'toole and Elvert . Bon Voyage Party for Kris . Home of John McLaughlin and Michael Smith . 507 7th Street, SE . Washington DC . 18 June 1992 See original photo at https://www.ipernity.com/doc/elvertbarnes/7153356 See flcikr set at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/sets/353001