
Candlelight Vigil - Lighting of the Candles - NLEOM - E Street - 13 May 2009

13 May 2009

368 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

21 May 2009

375 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . . Elvert Xavier Barnes Videography

13 May 2009

264 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

276 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

296 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

276 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

260 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

270 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at

13 May 2009

246 visits


2009 National Police Week . Lighting of the Candles . 21st Annual Candlelight Vigil . National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial . Judiciary Square . E Street between 4th and 6th Streets, NW, Washington DC . Wednesday evening, 13 May 2009 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes 2009 NPW 21st Candlelight Vigil webpage at Preview / order my 2011 Photography Calendar of National Police Week 2010 Images at
25 items in total