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  Publication date  /  2020  /  July  /  29   -   14 photos

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  • Limb Valley Bole Hill disturbed ground 1
  • Limb Valley Bole Hill disturbed ground 2
  • Limb Valley Bole Hill disturbed ground 3
  • Limb Valley Bole Hill disturbed ground 4
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' site
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' stone work
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' slag tip 1
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' slag tip 2
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' slag 1
  • Bole Hill Plantation - 'holly smelter' slag 2
  • Footpath to Firs Farm
  • Bole Hill Plantation view to south-west
  • Bole Hill Plantation view to south
  • Lonely sycamore