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  Shooting date  /  2008  /  September  /  9   -   14 photos

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  • Carn Llidi summit
  • Trwynhwrddyn
  • Trwynhwrddyn and Whitesands Bay
  • Carn Llidi, Pembrokeshire
  • Squall over the Bishops and Clerks
  • Incoming Squall
  • Cliff Fort rampart and ditch, St David's Head
  • Point St John, Whitesands Bay
  • Coetan Arthur
  • Coetan Arthur and Carn Llidi
  • Carn Llidi from Coetan Arthur
  • Coetan Arthur and boulder field
  • Warm rocks and Carn Llidi
  • Whitesands Bay from Carn Llidi