Treeton Colliery October 1977

Treeton Colliery 1977

Folder: Mining and quarrying
This set of pictures mostly shows some early stages in the construction of the new Suface Drift at Treeton Colliery on the east side of Sheffield. At that time, workings in the Swallow Wood seam were over 4 km from the pit bottom, and only reached by a tortuous journey underground that could take as much as an hour.

The Surface Drift changed all that. When it was finally completed around 1980 (…  (read more)

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26 Oct 1977

394 visits

Treeton Colliery October 1977

As well as a general view of the colliery looking south, this shot shows the portal area of the Surface Drift under construction. This near-surface portion is now partly covered in colliery spoil and will eventually be landscaped. This area is now a posh housing estate.

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01 Oct 1977

257 visits

Treeton Surface Drift 26 October 1977

Here, the portal area is now completed and the main tunnelling work is well under way.

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01 Jul 1977

575 visits

Treeton Surface Drift construction July 1977

This shot shows the portal area of the Surface Drift under construction. The steel arch girders are being encased in concrete. Eventually this near-surface portion will be covered in colliery spoil and landscaped.

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01 Jun 1977


951 visits

Treeton Surface Drift construction 16 June 1977

This shot shows the portal area of the Surface Drift under construction in 1977. The steel arch girders are being encased in concrete. Eventually this near-surface portion will be covered in colliery spoil and landscaped.

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01 Jun 1977

476 visits

Treeton Surface Drift construction 16 June 1977

This shot shows the portal area of the Surface Drift under construction. The steel arch girders are being encased in concrete. Eventually this near-surface portion will be covered in colliery spoil and landscaped.

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01 May 1977

200 visits

Treeton No.1 Shaft headgear

The steel headframe and pulley wheels over the No.1 (downcast) shaft. This shaft was mostly used for coal winding and the open lattice construction of the headframe allowed fresh air to enter the mine workings.

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01 Jan 1977

294 visits

Treeton Surface Drift construction 16 June 1977

This shot shows the portal area of the Surface Drift under construction. The steel arch girders are being encased in concrete. Eventually this near-surface portion will be covered in colliery spoil and landscaped.