Midnight clouds and stars

10-20 mm ultra wide angle

Photos taken with a Sigma 10-20 mm ultra-wide angle lens, often with a circular polarising filter.

Midnight clouds and stars

01 Aug 2020 2 2 130
Nearly midnight in south-west Sheffield and there were some lovely altocumulus clouds drifting along, partly illuminated by a nearly full moon (out of shot to the right). The view direction is to the east-south-east. The constellation of Cassiopeia is just to the left of centre. A six-second exposure caused the clouds to blur a little bit, but the stars were sharp. Some exposure adjustment and noise reduction made using Affinity Photo software. Best viewed large to see the stars properly.

Altocumulus with fallstreaks

19 Jul 2020 3 137
Some rather nice altocumulus clouds with fallstreaks, formed during the afternoon on 19th July 2020, viewed from south-west Sheffield.

Summit chestnuts - sepia

28 Dec 2019 8 6 116
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield At the summit of the higher ground in the western part of Ecclesall Woods, is a fine stand of chestnut trees. I am always intrigued by their twisted boles and branches. I like the antique look which sepia toning gives to this image. It also concentrates the appreciation of the abstract form and semi-fractal look of the twigs and branches, without the distraction of colour.

Summit chestnuts

28 Dec 2019 1 85
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield At the summit of the higher ground in the western part of Ecclesall Woods, is a fine stand of chestnut trees. I am always intrigued by their twisted boles and branches.

Spreading beech - sepia

28 Dec 2019 79
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield A fine spreading beech tree on the higher ground in the western part of Ecclesall Woods, overlooking the Limb Valley. I like the antique look which sepia toning gives to this image. It also concentrates the appreciation of the abstract form and semi-fractal look of the twigs and branches, without the distraction of colour.

Spreading beech

28 Dec 2019 1 2 87
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield A fine spreading beech tree on the higher ground in the western part of Ecclesall Woods, overlooking the Limb Valley.

Winter woodland disorder

28 Dec 2019 1 99
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield I liked the almost monochromatic and rather chaotic look of this trackless part of Ecclesall Woods.

Tree trunk fungi

28 Dec 2019 2 80
A winter's day in Ecclesall Woods, south-west Sheffield This is the remaining stump of a tree (beech?) which had its top felled by gales a few years previously. Various fungi, and no doubt many other living things, are taking over and finding a new home. Nothing is ever wasted in nature.

Mammatus over Whirlow 12-Sept-2017 #2

12 Sep 2017 1 200
Mammatus developed on the underside of a cumulonimbus 'anvil', over Whirlow, Sheffield. The view is to the WNW.

Mammatus over Whirlow 12-Sept-2017 #1

12 Sep 2017 1 220
Mammatus developed on the underside of a cumulonimbus 'anvil', over Whirlow, Sheffield. The view is to the SSW.

Cloud streets over Sheffield 2

10 Feb 2016 191
View north-east from high above Ringinglow on the west side of Sheffield.

Cloud streets over Sheffield

10 Feb 2016 1 281
View north-east from high above Ringinglow on the west side of Sheffield.

Callow Bank and Hope Valley skyscape

10 Feb 2016 2 3 280
View WNW from the north end of Higger Tor.

Westthorpe Colliery winding engine drum

09 Apr 2015 475
The winding drum and other parts of the Westthorpe Colliery (near Sheffield) winding engine, recovered from scrap and stored in the stock yard at Pleasley Colliery. Now awaiting decisions and funding on how best to protect and restore the winding engine. Pleasley Colliery is situated just inside the Derbyshire border, about 5.5 km from the centre of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. It is now a mining museum which is steadily being developed. www.pleasleypittrust.org.uk

Recovered Westthorpe Colliery winding engine compo…

09 Apr 2015 286
Component parts of the Westthorpe Colliery (near Sheffield) winding engine, recovered from scrap and stored in the stock yard at Pleasley Colliery. Now awaiting decisions and funding on how best to protect and restore the winding engine. Pleasley Colliery is situated just inside the Derbyshire border, about 5.5 km from the centre of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. It is now a mining museum which is steadily being developed. www.pleasleypittrust.org.uk

Safety reminder board at Pleasley Colliery

09 Apr 2015 244
Pictorial safety reminder board affixed to part of the pit top structure of the No.2 South Shaft at Pleasley Colliery. This is probably not its original location; most likely it would have been in a place readily viewed by the workmen on their daily route from arriving at the colliery to descending the shaft, e.g. from the time-office, via the pit-head baths and lamp-room, to the shaft top. Boards and notices like this were common at British collieries. Often they were painted or drawn directly on to plywood boards, probably by talented colliery workmen. Pleasley Colliery is situated just inside the Derbyshire border, about 5.5 km from the centre of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. It is now a mining museum which is steadily being developed. www.pleasleypittrust.org.uk

Pleasley Colliery No. 2 South Shaft signals

09 Apr 2015 221
The code of shaft signals to be used when winding in shafts. This signboard is at Pleasley Colliery mining museum. Pleasley Colliery is situated just inside the Derbyshire border, about 5.5 km from the centre of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. It is now a mining museum which is steadily being developed. www.pleasleypittrust.org.uk

Capels and detaching hook

09 Apr 2015 548
An exhibit of capels (the cone-shaped shackle-like objects) at Pleasley Colliery mining museum. The tall object to the rear is a cage capel used for attaching the winding rope to the chains linking to the top of the cage. Below the capel is a detaching hook mechanism which was designed to detach the winding rope from the cage in the event of an over-wind. This prevented the cage being drawn up through the top of the shaft and into the pulleys. A cage arrestor device (not shown here) then caught the detached cage and prevented it falling back down the shaft. The capel was attached to the steel winding rope by splaying out the various strands of the rope into the interior of the capel cone and filling up the space with molten white metal - an alloy of lead, antimony and tin. Pleasley Colliery is situated just inside the Derbyshire border, about 5.5 km from the centre of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. It is now a mining museum which is steadily being developed. www.pleasleypittrust.org.uk

409 items in total