Quinag: start of the walk in

A day on Quinag

Folder: Scotland
A splendid day's walk to the summit of Sàil Gharbh (808 m), the highest of the three spurs of Quinag in the Assynt area of the North-west Highlands of Sutherland, Scotland.

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20 Jun 2012

205 visits

Quinag: Through the bealach

A day on Quinag - photo 10 . Looking southwards over Bealach a' Cornadh with Suilven in shadow in the distance. Taken from part way up the south-east flank of Sàil Gharbh.

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20 Jun 2012

204 visits

Quinag: Spidean Còinach panorama

A day on Quinag - photo 11 . A panoramic view (two landscape-style photos stiched togerther) of Spidean Còinich and Lochan Bealach Cornadh with Suilven in shadow beyond the bealach to the right. A southerly view from part way up the south-east flank of Sàil Gharbh.

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20 Jun 2012

177 visits

Quinag: Torridonian Sandstone on Sàil Gharbh

A day on Quinag - photo 12 . Interesting stripy patterns on the pavement of Torridonian Sandstone (Applecross Formation) part way up Sàil Gharbh.

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20 Jun 2012

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231 visits

Quinag: Torridonian Sandstone pavement and Sàil Gharbh

A day on Quinag - photo 13 . The Torridonian Sandstone (Applecross Formation) pavement on the approach to the summit of Sàil Gharbh. The abrupt change in colour near the top marks the outcrop of the pale grey Cambrian Basal Quartzite which rests with angular unconformity on the Torridonian Sandstone.

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20 Jun 2012

196 visits

Quinag: Sàil Gharbh - south-west approach to the summit

A day on Quinag - photo 14 . This is the final south-west ridge leading to Sàil Gharbh (808m), the highest summit of Quinag in the NW Highlands of Sutherland. The pink rock is Torridonian Sandstone (Applecross Formation, Precambrian), overlain unconformably by the light grey Basal Cambrian quartzite of the Eriboll Formation.

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20 Jun 2012

269 visits

Quinag: Sàil Gharbh summit shelter and trig point

A day on Quinag - photo 15 . The summit of Sail Gharbh (808 m). The view is magnificent in all directions. This view is to the south, with Canisp (middle left), Suilven behind the trig point and Cùl Mor just to the left. The Minch and the Summer Isles are visible on the right.

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20 Jun 2012

333 visits

Quinag: Bàthaich Cuinneige and the ridge to Sàil Ghorm

A day on Quinag - photo 16 . A westerly view from the summit of Sàil Gharbh, looking over the corrie of Bàthaich Cuinneige to the right and the ridge leading up to Sàil Ghorm (just out of shot to the right). In the distance is the knock-and-lochan landscape of the Lewisian Gneiss foreland, the Stoer peninsula just right of centre; then looking over the Minch to the Isle of Lewis on the horizon.

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20 Jun 2012

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629 visits

Quinag: Spidean Còinich from Sàil Gharbh summit

A day on Quinag - photo 17 . The magnificent view to the south from summit of Sàil Gharbh (808 m), looking towards Spidean Còinich, the southern spur of Quinag with Lochan Bealach Cornadh at its foot. In the distance are Canisp (middle left), Cùl Mor and Suilven. Loch Assynt, The Minch and the Summer Isles are visible on the right. The upper part of Spidean Còinich consists of the pale grey Cambrian Basal Quartzite (Eriboll Formation) dipping at around 15° east (left) which rests with clear angular unconformity on the nearly horizontally bedded Torridonian Sandstone (Applecross Formation). The same unconformity is also seen on Canisp in the distance.

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20 Jun 2012

221 visits

Quinag: Suilven from Sàil Gharbh

A day on Quinag - photo 18 . Viewed from Sàil Gharbh looking over Bealach a' Chornaidh to Suilven and the Còigich mountains beyond.
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