Sky reeds river

Walberswick and Southwold

Photos taken around Walberswick and Southwold on the Suffolk coast.

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26 Mar 2017

129 visits

Sky reeds river

The Dunwich River flowing through the Coorporation Marshes between Walberswick and Dunwich, Suffolk. I love the vast, minimalist expanse of the landscapes here.

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26 Mar 2017

1 favorite

135 visits

Walberswick wind pump 3

The remains of the Walberswick wind pump in the Westwood Marshes, Walberswick, Suffolk. A bit more falls off each year as the weather takes its toll.

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26 Mar 2017

132 visits

Walberswick wind pump 2

The remains of the Walberswick wind pump in the Westwood Marshes, Walberswick, Suffolk.

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26 Mar 2017

116 visits

Walberswick wind pump 1

The remains of the Walberswick wind pump in the Westwood Marshes, Walberswick, Suffolk.

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26 Mar 2017

152 visits

Reeds and Westwood Marshes

I loved the back-lit reeds shimmering in the vast expanse of the Westwood Marshes at Walberswick, Suffolk.Tricky to capture in a photo, however!

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26 Mar 2017

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229 visits

Dunwich River at Walberswick

The Dunwich River flowing through the Corporation Marshes at Walberswick, Suffolk. Photo taken from the footbridge at National Grid Reference TM 49510 74159.

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26 Mar 2017

123 visits

Cirrocumulus over Walberswick

Delicate cirrocumulus clouds at in the northern sky, taken from the Dunwich River at Walberswick, Suffolk.

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26 Mar 2017

152 visits

Walberswick beach 7

The incoming tide at Walberswick, Suffolk. I was intrigued by the criss-crossing patterns made by the small waves flowing and ebbing. I love the vast openness of this stretch of coastline.

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26 Mar 2017

159 visits

Walberswick beach 6

The incoming tide at Walberswick, Suffolk. I was intrigued by the criss-crossing patterns made by the small waves flowing and ebbing. I love the vast openness of this stretch of coastline.
37 items in total