learning to write  musical notes

Perú, People

17 Oct 2019

5 favorites


98 visits

learning to write musical notes

They not only learned to play the recorder, but they also learned to read an write music.

17 Oct 2019

3 favorites

98 visits

17 Oct 2019

5 favorites

95 visits

That´s where you have to put your finger.With two PIPs

The first recorder class in a government school in the district of El Augustino. After only three months the kids gave a concert in the school.

17 Oct 2019

9 favorites


126 visits

20 Oct 2019

13 favorites


129 visits

Waiting for the traffic light to turn to green

17 Sep 2019

3 favorites

1 comment

82 visits

17 Nov 2019

4 favorites

1 comment

93 visits

04 Nov 2007

8 favorites

1 comment

89 visits

Girl and doll - but soon playing with another girl and doll

Alone with her doll.... not for long... see PIPs

04 Nov 2007

4 favorites

84 visits


18 items in total