Corner in Jirón Unión , Lima. With a PIP

Peru, downtown Lima

25 Jan 2014

5 favorites

98 visits

Corner in Jirón Unión , Lima. With a PIP

I hadn´t noticed that "Alien" head when I took the photo. I suppose it is really a lion's head, as lions were often used in the Colonial times as symbols.

25 Jan 2014

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174 visits

Detail on Building ,downtown Lima

25 Jan 2014

3 favorites


120 visits

Entrance to the Museo Bodega y Cuadra behind the Government Palace, Lima

25 Jan 2014

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100 visits

Colonial house in downtown Lima

Arches, balconies and open grill work gate in one of the old houses in downtown Lima.

25 Jan 2014

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116 visits

Entrance to the Insurane Company- downtown Lima.

25 Jan 2014

3 favorites

93 visits

Old floor tiles in downtown Lima

25 Jan 2014

4 favorites

122 visits

Change of guards with two PIPs

To see the change of guards is always a spectacle, and not only for tourists. At the time I took this photo one was not allowed to come too close to the fence.

24 Dec 2011

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103 visits

Lima´s balconies

The balcony of the Casa Osamblea-Oquendo and the Aflijidos(afflicted, or troubled) street.

24 Dec 2011

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107 visits

Lima's balconies . looking towards the Plaza Mayor

Ths is a quite famous old street , Conde de Superunda,becasue of its well preserved balconies, and old houses. In the background you can see the dome of the Santo Domingo church
23 items in total