Maine, 2015

Folder: on the road
03 Jun 2015 3 244
Early morning long exposure. The rain finally stopped the night before, but the clouds were still lingering... [better bigger on black]
03 Jun 2015 6 3 250
NTSC: abstract nature 10-week project - opposites - week four: small
03 Jun 2015 177
Strangely, the top sign worried me way more than the bottom one...
03 Jun 2015 1 1 180
This little slug seemed intent on reading the entire tick warning sign...
03 Jun 2015 150
Into the woods and down the dell the path is straight, I know it well; into the woods and who can tell what's waiting on the journey?
03 Jun 2015 5 2 171
It'd finally stopped raining the night before, and there were mushrooms *everywhere*.
12 Jun 2015 2 299
More fun with multis: the view across Robinhood Cove, and the stairs leading down to the water. Some interesting colors on the LomoChrome Turquoise. :)
03 Jun 2015 4 196
NTSC: favorite song Into the woods without delay, But careful not to lose the way. Into the woods, who knows what may be lurking on the journey? Into the woods to get the thing That makes it worth the journeying into the woods...
03 Jun 2015 1 132
Into the woods without delay, But careful not to lose the way. Into the woods, who knows what may be lurking on the journey? Into the woods to get the thing That makes it worth the journeying into the woods...
03 Jun 2015 3 2 204
I think this tree may be having some personal issues...
03 Jun 2015 1 2 206
10-week project - opposites - week five: over If a tree falls in a forest and no one's there to see it, apparently it sometimes gets distracted on the way down and forgets to hit the ground... O.o

23 items in total