Wishram WA freight Hood (#0450)


Folder: Other West
Photos from various trips in Washington state

Lake Crescent WA La Poel (#1429)

07 Aug 2016 2 2 213
La Peol day use area and former resort area, on Lake Crescent. See nearby photo #1428

Lake Crescent WA La Poel (#1428)

07 Aug 2016 2 7 201
Driving along Lake Crescent, I came up to the La Poel day use area. The area was surprisingly large with more elaborate roads than usual for a picnic grounds, but also it was very little used. It wasn't until I was searching for information that I discovered that the day use area was where there had once been a lakeside resort. The following webpage contains interesting pictures from the 1940's of the resort area: www.craigmagnuson.com/lapoel01.htm

Forks WA Trump sign (#1416)

07 Aug 2016 1 1 168
Though I had been traveling for a few days through areas with depressed economies, I had not seem much in the way of political ads. This is in Forks, a small town of stores for local and motels/suppliers for people visiting Olympic National Park.

Rialto Beach WA (#1426)

Rialto Beach WA (#1421)

Rialto Beach WA (#1418)

07 Aug 2016 1 214
What do you do when its foggy and the water's cold, and there's lots of large stones? Practice balancing rocks.

Rialto Beach WA (#1422)

07 Aug 2016 1 148
Rialto Beach, famous for its massive driftwood and rocky beach.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1415)

07 Aug 2016 1 181
Something I don't recall having ever seen on a forest road -- a long row of trees leaning outward over the road, I guess for the additional space for their crowns.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1413)

07 Aug 2016 2 186
On the Hall of Mosses Trail. What's memorable here is the picture I didn't take. Just to my right, there was a lithe young man (late teens), lying on his back across a moss-covered portion of a tree, in a pose that looked like he was a model for some pre-Raphaelite style of portraiture. To make matters even more bizarre, there was a much older man (at least my age (late 60's)) seeming to be hovering around him with a camera taking pictures. To add further to the sense of having come across a variation on "Lolita", there were other people nearby just meandering around looking at the trees, acting as if nothing unusual was occurring. Mystified, I decided to continue walking – just a few feet past the scene, the older man came walking up the trail mumbling about his crazy grandson. This turned out to be just the first in two odd social occurrences of the day – the second will be in forthcoming pictures.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1410)

07 Aug 2016 2 1 176
Guard with moss....he wasn't going to move, and I didn't want to disturb him, so we stood like that for a minute or so. I think that's a clump of moss in his mouth.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1408)

07 Aug 2016 1 177
Stump.... if my memory is correct, that was over 6' in diameter.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1407)

07 Aug 2016 182
Along the Spruce Nature Trail at Hoh Rain Forest.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1405)

07 Aug 2016 177
Along the Spruce Nature Trail at Hoh Rain Forest.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1402)

07 Aug 2016 1 171
When I got to the visitor center at Hoh Rain Forest area of Olympic National Park, I almost turned around and left -- the parking lot was full and there were lots of people milling around. Luckily, though, I looked at the trail map and saw that there was a very short introductory trail with two 1-mile trails branching off of it. Figuring that most of the visitors would just be doing the short loop trail, I decided to risk the crowds. Luckily I was correct, the somewhat longer trails had much less visitors. This is from the Spruce Nature Trail.

Hoh Rain Forest (#1400)

07 Aug 2016 1 174
The Hoh River, along the road into the Hoh Rain Forest trails area.

Quinault Rain Forest largest spruce (#1397)

06 Aug 2016 171
In the small resort area of Lake Quinault, not far from the Quinaul Rain Forest trail, is what is proclaimed to be the world's largest spruce. The tree is just short of 59' in diameter, 191' tall, and estimated to be about 1000 years old. There's better pictures of its size here: www.monumentaltrees.com/en/usa/washington/graysharborcounty/2549_lakequinaultresort/7019

Quinault Rain Forest (#1393)

06 Aug 2016 2 170
From the Quinault Rain Forest trail in Olympic National Forest, see the discussion with nearby photo #1385

Quinault Rain Forest (#1388)

06 Aug 2016 180
From the Quinault Rain Forest trail in Olympic National Forest, see the discussion with nearby photo #1385

234 items in total