Delano CA Sierra theater (#0002)

Summer 15

Long circle trip through SF, eastern Oregon, central Idaho, Glacier and Montana, central Wyoming, and central Utah.

Cut Bank MT Glacier Cinema (#0321)

02 Aug 2015 313
Per, the Glacier opened in 1939. Didn't find any detail on the architecture, the style is sort of streamline moderne, but the marquee is relatively recent.

Cut Bank MT (#0322)

02 Aug 2015 214
City of Cut Bank building built in 1936. Considering that this was the middle of the depression, it would be expected that this was built with some New Deal funds, but I could find no record of that.

Cut Bank MT Elks Lodge (#0324)

02 Aug 2015 166
Interesting Elks Lodge sign for BPOE Cut Bank.

Cut Bank MT public art (#0325)

02 Aug 2015 225
Public art in Cut Bank. On the bottom of the picture is a statement noting that a Standard Oil photographer came to Cut Bank in 1944 to document the community and this is one of the photographs. Standard Oil was there because there is a cluster of oil fields north and east of Cut Bank.

Cut Bank MT public art (#0327)

02 Aug 2015 222
Mural in Cut Bank of contact between early U.S. forces and Native Americans. I'm not sure what event this is representing.

Cut Bank MT depot (#0329)

02 Aug 2015 255
Cut Bank Amtrak depot, previously a Great Northern depot.

Cut Bank MT depot (#0331)

02 Aug 2015 259
Cut Bank Amtrak depot, previously a Great Northern depot.

Cut Bank MT Glacier County Courthouse (#0332)

02 Aug 2015 274
Glacier County Courthhouse, in Cut Bank, MT. The architectual detail (see adjacent photos) is described as PWA [Public Works Administration] Moderne/Stripped Classicism and was used extensively for buildings sponsored by the PWA and WPA [Work Projects Administration], which was the case for this building. National Register of Historic Places description: Documentation of WPA assistance:

Cut Bank MT Glacier County Courthouse (#0333)

02 Aug 2015 192
Detail of the design of the Glacier County Courthouse, built with New Deal assistance in 1938.

Cut Bank MT Glacier County Courthouse (#0334)

02 Aug 2015 1 268
Detail of the design of the Glacier County Courthouse, built with New Deal assistance in 1938. The detail shows well in the larger version of the picture.

Cut Bank MT Glacier County Courthouse (#0335)

02 Aug 2015 247
A level of detail in the light fixtures that you wouldn't expect for a quite remote town in the west.

Shelby MT (#0338)

02 Aug 2015 156
Interesting architecture on an older, apparently abandoned (wood over the windows) building in Shelby, MT. There was a local sheriff nearby, so I didn't explore further.

Shelby MT dancing (#0340)

02 Aug 2015 1 177
"Dancing" On the sleazy(?)/fun side of the railroad tracks, away from downtown Shelby.

Shelby MT depot (#0341)

02 Aug 2015 1 202
Mainly took this for the font on the sign, a style from the 30's. Shelby MT Great Northern/BNSF depot -- there were too many warning signs, so didn't explore further.

Shelby MT Oil City Saloon (#0342)

02 Aug 2015 183
At Central & Mineral, the Oil City Saloon. Again, on the side of the tracks away from downtown. I hadn't realized how extensive was oil extraction in Montana. Per Wikipedia there are 45 oil fields in Montana with each likely to have multiple wells.

Shelby MT Excellent Food (#0348)

02 Aug 2015 2 229
Downtown Shelby (the 'good' side of the tracks), with neon from the 50's or 60's.

Shelby MT downtown (#0352)

02 Aug 2015 1 209
Somewhat pecurliar here -- the O'Haire Manor is about two blocks up the hill, but this archway sign is over a public street. One of the founders of Shelby was an O'Haire, thus the influence.

Shelby MT Toole County Courthouse(#0342)

02 Aug 2015 247
Interesting detail on the Toole County Courthouse, particularly the eagles at the roofline (see larger version of picture).

390 items in total