Patagonia, AZ (2223)

Arizona (mostly)

Folder: Other West
Pictures from various trips to and through Arizona, except:

Bisbee -- I've been there a number of times, so that's a separate album.

Lower Colorado -- The lower Colorado river area (AZ, CA, and NV south of Las Vegas) feels like a separate and unique culture, fairly often, so those are all a separate album.

To insure that photos from the same trip are adjacent, photos are in date order with newe…  (read more)

Coronado NF Rt 61 Montezuma Pass (2180)

15 Jun 2014 1 149
A visualization of Coronado's exploration into what is now Arizona. The Coronado National Monument website provides a good description of the impact of Coronado's explorations:

Coronado NF Rt 61 Montezuma Pass (2178)

15 Jun 2014 4 2 269
Part way up the climb for Montezuma Pass, looking east across the border fence and into Mexico. The 'painterly' look to the photo is probably due to the very bright sun almost overhead.

Coronado NF Rt 61 (2174)

15 Jun 2014 1 179
The first part of the Border Road #61 Scenic Drive runs through the Coronado National Momument (see later picture) and is paved.

Coronado NF Rt 61 (2173)

15 Jun 2014 1 234
Start of Coronado National Forest Border Road #61 Scenic Drive. This mountain, in Mexico, is a prominent fixture in the first part of drive. Barely discernible, but running across the picture at the base of the mountains is a dark line, which is the border fence.

Sulphur Springs Valley AZ (1986)

13 Jun 2014 2 216
Monsoonal rains coming across the Sulphur Springs Valley mountains and ranchland in SE Arizona.

Sulphur Springs Valley AZ (1984)

13 Jun 2014 2 1 224
Monsoonal rains coming across the Sulphur Springs Valley mountains and ranchland in SE Arizona.

Safford, AZ AZER depot (1983)

13 Jun 2014 3 220
Arizona Eastern Railway depot in Safford, AZ.

Ft Thomas, AZ LDS (1982)

13 Jun 2014 2 241
Driving by, I thought this was an abandoned school and stopped because it was in a very empty location with nothing nearby. Only after stopping did I see the letters LDS over the doorway (see the large size). There is an apparently active LDS (Mormon) church closer in to Ft Thomas, so it isn't clear what this was.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1977)

13 Jun 2014 1 153
This platform is right next to the AZER railroad tracks in Ft.Thomas, it must have been either a station or warehouse/loading dock.

Ft Thomas, AZ High School (1981)

13 Jun 2014 2 175
Detail on the high school at Ft. Thomas.

Ft Thomas, AZ High School (1980)

13 Jun 2014 194
A surprisingly nicely-designed high school for such a tiny town (pop 374) as Ft. Thomas. I could find no history on the architecture though it evokes the style of buildings that might have been in the fort that was there in the late 1800's. Clearly this was built fairly early in the 20th century. Regarding its size, the town appears to service a fairly widespread farming community.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1976)

13 Jun 2014 169
Ft Thomas -- not much there. The bridge in the distance is a pedestrian overpass for the high school.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1973)

13 Jun 2014 155
Plaque describing the memorial for Melvin Jones and the founding of the Lions Clubs.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1978)

13 Jun 2014 246
What appears to be a museum at the Melvin Jones memorial. The dryness and barrenness of the landscape in the background is typical for that area.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1974)

13 Jun 2014 195
The monument to Melvin Jones, the founder of the Lions Clubs. See descriptions with nearby pictures.

Ft Thomas, AZ Lions Club memorial (1979)

13 Jun 2014 151
Driving along US 70 in rural SE Arizona, its mostly dry desert plus some farming along the Gila River. So, it was quite a surprise to come across this space-age looking monument to the founder of the Lions Clubs.

Miami AZ Southern Pacific depot (1919)

12 Jun 2014 143
Former Southern Pacific railway depot on Adonis (!) Avenue in Miami, AZ. (Yes, the street name is Adonis!). If you look at the satellite view you can see that the railroad once ran from Globe to Miami.

Miami AZ (1964)

13 Jun 2014 163
Sign on the south side of Miami, AZ on Adonis Ave listing the street names for that side of town -- the public library (I didn't photograph it) is on Adonis Ave.

517 items in total