Amasya  in 1970 (116)

Military years (Turkey)

Pictures in this set (Military years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable.
Photos are in alphabetical order by city.

Amasya in 1970 (116)

01 Jan 1970 164
Cave tombs, referred to as the ’Kings Tombs’ and dug for the Pontus kings between 400 and 200 BC. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (117)

01 Jan 1970 1 235
One particularly memorable trip when I was stationed in Turkey, was to the inland city of Amasya. Traveling with the same group that usually traveled together, we took the military shuttle to Samsun and then a train (powered by a coal-burning steam engine) to Amasya. Amasya is deep in the mountains, with a historic set of tombs dug into the mountainside overhead. The city itself was relatively small – most of it can be seen in the picture from the tombs. We spent two nights there in a local hotel overlooking the river, and simply explored the tombs and walked around town. The city was not a place that received many tourists, so we had to get by on our limited Turkish, combined with our limited German or French (more locals spoke some of either German or French, than English). This was also the first place that I had to deal with what was then the Turkish version of a toilet – simply a hole in the floor, two foot pads, and a spigot for cleaning. The trip to Amasya was in the winter – they heated with a fairly dirty coal in those days, and it was overcast/drizzly, so everything looks gray in the pictures. The cave tombs are referred to as the ’Kings Tombs’ and were dug for the Pontus kings between 400 and 200 BC. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (118)

01 Jan 1970 177
View of Amasya from the trails around the tombs. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (127)

01 Jan 1970 197
Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya -- Sarge

01 Jan 1970 173
The sargeant who made sure many of us got off based and to see things. Too bad I didn't think enough about it then to thank him for helping us explore. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (101)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 228
Amasya, from along the river. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (109)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 213
Central Amasya. From what I can determine, the large structure in the center is the Sultan Bayezıt II Kulliye (Center) which was constructed in 1485 - 86. As noted in an adjacent picture, coal was used for heat in those days, which is the reason for the gray skies. Photo is from a slide taken when I was in the military and stationed in Turkey (1969 to 1970); restoration of the slides was by a friend.

Amasya in 1970 (110)

01 Jan 1970 180
Amasya, from along the river. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (113)

01 Jan 1970 156
Our hotel which, once inside, would have seemed primitive by American standards but was perfectly comfortable. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (114)

01 Jan 1970 1 163
Amasya, from along the river. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (126)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 1 165
At the time I was in Turkey, there were no visible efforts to protect such historic sites, they were simply open for anyone to explore. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (128 b)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 209
Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya in 1970 (129b)

01 Jan 1970 218
Cave tombs, referred to as the ’Kings Tombs’ and dug for the Pontus kings between 400 and 200 BC. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya riverfront in 1970 (123)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 162
Amasya, from along the river. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya steam locomotive, 1970 (112)

0000-00-00 00:00:00 289
Steam freight train, from cliffs over Amasya, in 1970 -- one of the most memorable trips from my time in Turkey. Photo is from a slide taken between 1969 and 1970; restoration of the slides were by a friend.

Amasya taxi in 1970

0000-00-00 00:00:00 1 189
Taxi service in Amasya could be either by horse & buggy, or by car -- here we're on the way to the train station. Photo is from a slide taken between 1967 and 1971; restoration of the slides were by a friend.

Amasya tombs in 1970 (102)

01 Jan 1970 174
Cave tombs, referred to as the ’Kings Tombs’ and dug for the Pontus kings between 400 and 200 BC. Pictures in this set (Military Years) are from when I was in the military, from 1967-1970. All photos were originally slides, a friend spent very many hours restoring those slides to being viewable. Best viewed as part of the Military Years set.

Amasya, Turkey in 1970 (115)

01 Jan 1970 2 279
From a trip to Amasya, which is north central Turkey. This was in the winter and coal was used for heat in those days, thus the gray skies. Photo is from a slide taken when I was in the military and stationed in Turkey (1969 to 1970); restoration of the slides was by a friend.

54 items in total