SF Bay Bridge (1099)

SF: Bay Bridge and Treasure Island

Folder: California
I've always had a preference for the Bay Bridge over the Golden Gate, probably because the Bay Bridge was the less glamorous and seemingly the 'work horse' of the Bay Area. It probably also helps that my first view of SF was from driving in over the Bay Bridge in 1967 in a VW with "If you're going to San Francisco" on the radio. Treasure Island, being the link of the two bridges that make up th…  (read more)

SF Bay Bridge (1099)

12 Jan 2014 150
Sunset on 50. Actually, closer to 80 -- construction of the original Bay Bridge began in 1933 with it opening in 1936.

SF Bay Bridge (1097)

12 Jan 2014 5 193
Sailing the bay..

SF Bay Bridge (1094)

12 Jan 2014 1 3 214
Old and new...looking east. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1093)

12 Jan 2014 163
Port of Oakland, taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1092)

12 Jan 2014 157
Deconstructing the truss. Makes you wonder why they're working on that portion before the upper structure is removed. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1089)

12 Jan 2014 169
Looking east from the upper end of the bike & pedestrian path. The white structure in the hills, almost in the center of the picture, just above the new portion of the bridge, is the historic Claremont Hotel. The Campanile (Sather Tower) is barely visible if you look straight down and slightly to the left of the railing.

SF Bay Bridge (1085)

12 Jan 2014 116
End of the path, for now. Once the old bridge is down, the bike & pedestrian path will connect to Yerba Buena Island.

SF Bay Bridge (1084)

12 Jan 2014 229
Coast Guard station, Yerba Buena Island. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1083)

12 Jan 2014 1 180
Tower for self-anchoring suspension portion of Bay Bridge. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1081)

12 Jan 2014 149
Tower for self-anchoring suspension portion of Bay Bridge. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1079)

12 Jan 2014 2 255
Tower for self-anchoring suspension portion of Bay Bridge, next to the closed truss portion. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1077)

12 Jan 2014 1 186
Older suspension portion of Bay Bridge.

SF Bay Bridge (1076)

12 Jan 2014 151
Tower for self-anchoring suspension portion of Bay Bridge, next to the closed truss portion. Taken from Bay Bridge bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1073)

12 Jan 2014 153
Old, new, and new.... Old bridge, new bike & pedestrian path, new bridge.

SF Bay Bridge (1072)

12 Jan 2014 1 154

SF Bay Bridge (1068)

12 Jan 2014 1 1 276
Closed truss portion of the SF Bay Bridge, with new self-anchored suspension portion in the distance. Taken from the bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1069)

12 Jan 2014 1 191
Looking up the roadway of the closed truss portion of the SF Bay Bridge, with older suspension portion in the distance. Taken from the bike & pedestrian path.

SF Bay Bridge (1064)

12 Jan 2014 2 226
New bike & pedestrian path on the Bay Bridge. This portion of the path is temporary until eastern approach is finished. The path was quite busy.

141 items in total