Cabazon Dinosaur (0755)

California - Palm Springs & nearby

Folder: California
Palm Springs, general Coachella Valley, and in the foothills of the surrounding mountains.

Cabazon Dinosaur (0755)

28 Aug 2013 1 206
One of the famous dinosaur sculptures at Cabazon. For more detail on sculptures, and more perspectives of them, see the collection by Zach starting at:

Cathedral City development 1 (0785)

08 Sep 2013 183
Entrance to Cathedral City development, Verano. When you first drive up, it looks sort of nice, but something doesn't look quite right. If you look close, the palm trees haven't been recently trimmed, the flowers at the base of the sign look a little unkempt, and then there's that dead palm in the background. But, not too bad (see next photo)

Cathedral City development 2 (0786)

08 Sep 2013 175
Entrance to Cathedral City development, Verano -- from this angle, it looks pretty good (see next photo)

Cathedral City development 3 (0778)

08 Sep 2013 230
As you get closer into Verano, there looks to be some large and abandoned, but new, building on the hill. Turning up into a traffic circle, you what looks like an overgrown and abandoned clubhouse (see next photo)

Cathedral City development 4 (0769)

08 Sep 2013 226
The abandoned clubhouse at Verano. It's quite large, having a 2-story central building and 2 outer buildings on each side. If you look at the aerial view, you'll see the outline of three empty pools behind it. It seems quite large considering there's about 160 houses built, but then the aerial view also shows plans for roads for many more homes (maybe a 1000). (See next photo)

Cathedral City development 5 (0768)

08 Sep 2013 178
Parking lot at the abandoned clubhouse at Verano. (See next photo)

Cathedral City development 6 (0777)

08 Sep 2013 1 216
The abandoned clubhouse at Verano. (See next photo)

Cathedral City development 7 (0772)

08 Sep 2013 1 195
The abandoned clubhouse at Verano. (See next photo)

Cathedral City development 8 (0774)

08 Sep 2013 187
The abandoned clubhouse at Verano. I read on one site that the club house can't be opened until 90% of the homes at the development have been sold. Considering the small number of homes that have been sold, I doubt their HOA feels could support such a grand clubhouse. Thus the 90% comment must be referring to 90% of the intended homes. (See next photo)

Cathedral City development 9 (0776)

08 Sep 2013 1 175
Looking over one of the fences, the pool area at the abandoned clubhouse at Verano. (See next photo)

Cathedral City development_10 (0775)

08 Sep 2013 1 173
Looking from the clubhouse towards some of the homes that have been built. The homes that exist look well-maintained, appear to be mostly occupied, and most have good landscaping

Cathedral City development_11 (0779)

08 Sep 2013 1 165
From a traffic circle on the northwest edge of Verano. As noted in the adjacent picture, the existing homes look occupied and well-maintained (see next photo)

Cathedral City development_12 (0780)

08 Sep 2013 242
From the same traffic circle in the adjacent photo, looking west. From the aerial view you can see the layout (including many curbs) for what would have been several hundred more homes.

Cathedral City development_13 (0782)

08 Sep 2013 160
An intact, fairly new, but gated and abandoned children's playground at Verona (see nearby photos)

Cathedral City development_14 (0783)

08 Sep 2013 165
An intact, fairly new, but gated and abandoned children's playground at Verona (see nearby photos)

Cathedral City development_15 (0784)

08 Sep 2013 1 181
An intact, fairly new, but gated and abandoned children's playground at Verona (see nearby photos)

Coachella Valley (3820a)

16 Dec 2007 114
On the north side of Dillon Road (north part of Coachella Valley), there's an old road that goes past some areas where people go for target practicing, and the further up you begin to come across structures like this. This is a cover on part of the Metropolitan Water District aquaduct.

Coachella Valley Preserve, Palm Springs (3801a)

16 Dec 2007 164
Palm oasis in Coachella Valley Preserve

389 items in total