Atlanta, NV 1141a

Nevada Lincoln County

Folder: Nevada
Lincoln County, one of my favorite places. Easy to get to and friendly inhabitants, but also very remote and wonderful scenery.

Atlanta, NV 1141a

14 Jul 2009 4 199
Abandoned mining area at Atlanta, NV. In addition to the mine operations, there were a couple of houses and older trailers in the area, some of which were occupied. There was also a site which appeared to have the hookups for several more trailiers. (Best viewed as part of Lincoln county set)

Bristol Wells, NV (0634)

19 Dec 2008 1 153
Bristol Wells was the site of ovens that were used to convert local wood into charcoal for use by the mining industry. The area is on a graded dirt road 6 miles off of US 93 and about 15 miles north of Pioche. There are the remains of two buildings, a windmill, and three ovens.

Bristol Wells, NV (0636)

19 Dec 2008 161
Bristol Wells was the site of ovens that were used to convert local wood into charcoal for use by the mining industry. The area is on a graded dirt road 6 miles off of US 93 and about 15 miles north of Pioche. There are the remains of two buildings, a windmill, and three ovens. The area south of Bristol Wells (the distant mountains in this picture) seem to have been largely uninhabited.

Bristol Wells, NV 0632a

19 Dec 2008 152
Bristol Wells was the site of ovens that were used to convert local wood into charcoal for use by the mining industry. The area is on a graded dirt road 6 miles off of US 93 and about 15 miles north of Pioche. There are the remains of two buildings, a windmill, and three ovens.

Bristol Wells, NV 735

Bristol Wells, NV 736

Bristol Wells, NV 741

Caliente NV 1328a

01 Jul 2004 206
Dominating the town of Caliente, NV is this very graceful Union Pacific building, which was at one time both a passenger station for the town and a place for train crews to sleep over. Since there is no more passenger service, it appears to now be mostly vacant but to have a small number of administrative offices.

Caliente Union Pacific depot (1116)

13 Jul 2009 1 212
A later picture of the former Union Pacific station, Caliente

Caliente NV 1325a

01 Jan 2005 156
On a siding in Caliente, on one trip through, were three abandoned crew cars. These cars were apparently where railroad crews slept while maintaining the tracks in remote areas. This is a "5 man bunk car", apparently for mechanics -- note, however, what appears to be lace curtains over one of the windows. Per articles I've seen in the LA Times, train crews now sleep in motels. Last time I was in Caliente, these weren't there.

Caliente, NV 0512a

06 Jul 2011 164
I've always found this building fascinating. It's basically tucked into the base of a hill, just around a curve, just north of Caliente. It looks like it may have been some sort of motel at some point many years ago. At various times over the years that I have been through the area, it appears to have been a private home at some times and abandoned at others.

Caliente NV 1324a

06 Jul 2011 1 2 140
Caliente, which is on the highway just beyond the rocks in this picture, is between the north end of Rainbow Canyon and the southern end of a very long valley (I believe this is called Meadow Valley, but I'm not sure). As the valley narrows just north of Caliente, it becomes a very scenic mix of marshlands and desert. I've not found a good high point for capturing the beauty of this area, but hopefully this picture is at least a start. (Best viewed as part of Lincoln county set)

Caliente, NV 0506a

06 Jul 2011 1 164
US93 headed south towards Caliente. This section of highway provides a soothing contrast between the harsh high desert landscape and the green, reedy, lushness of this section of the wash.

Caselton, NV (0520)

06 Jul 2011 160
Abandoned mills in the former Caselton, NV mining area.

Caselton, NV 0516a

06 Jul 2011 193
Abandoned mines in the Caselton area. Caselton is just west of Pioche.

Caselton, NV 0517a

06 Jul 2011 137
Abandoned mines in the Caselton area. Abandoned tailings piles are visible from the far distance (past the buildings) to relatively close on the right side of the picture.

Caselton, NV 0524a

06 Jul 2011 146
Some of the mines in Caselton built housing for their workers. Though the mines have long been closed, many of the houses are still occupied. So as to not disturbe the occupants, this picture is taken from quite some distance.

Caselton, NV 0525a

06 Jul 2011 137
Some of the mines in Caselton built housing for their workers. Though the mines have long been closed, many of the houses are still occupied. Somehow the area sent a strong sense of "do not disturb", so this picture is taken from quite some distance.

70 items in total