dgmphoto's photos


11 Mar 2024 12 5 43
Sparrowhawk visiting the garden. Had turned round before I could grab the camera. I think this is the male.

Black-headed gull

10 Jan 2024 7 5 51
Black-headed gull in flight on a cold bright morning. (For much of the year it has a white head)


10 Jan 2024 6 4 53
A Fieldfare on the ground in some rather nice winter sun.

Great Tit

20 Mar 2023 7 3 86
I was expecting to take photos of waterfowl.

A bit of a stretch

Through the Reeds

02 Jan 2023 3 1 82
A female Common Pochard

Kestrel in the morning


13 Oct 2022 4 3 90
There seem to be a larger number of these birds around at the moment. It was nice to catch this one in a tree rather than a post.

A couple of Little Egrets

Swan with reflection

28 Aug 2022 3 2 77
Simple swan photo. I always find it difficult to get good detail on white birds whilst getting the exposure right. I think this one is ok.

Reed Bunting

30 Apr 2022 6 3 121
A little later in my walk with more light

1335 photos in total