The track was muddy

John Penton GNCC, Millfield, Ohio

Millfield, Ohio, is the home of the annual John Penton Grand National Cross Country, a two-day race for four-wheelers and dirt bikes. Because of my deadline, I was able to cover only the first day, set aside for riders on four-wheeled machines. But it was plenty exciting, in no small measure because it had rained heavily the night before, producing a particularly slippery mud from the clay of the …  (read more)

08 Jul 2017

136 visits

The track was muddy

This is just a small part of the track -- the whole thing is more than 10 miles long. Good riders can complete three to four laps in the two-hour race.

08 Jul 2017

117 visits

A lot of faith in traction

This official is more relaxed than most people would be.

08 Jul 2017

139 visits


This rider has a GoPro camera mounted to his helmet and has captured exciting footage of the back side of mud.

08 Jul 2017

129 visits


As with European rallyes, spectators get very close to the action.

08 Jul 2017

123 visits

Clear view, anyway

Some riders had tear-off goggles, letting them get rid of the front layer as soon as it's so mud-covered that vision is impossible.

08 Jul 2017

115 visits

Mud and more mud

The only thing not mud-encrusted here is the tires!

08 Jul 2017

141 visits


What concentration looks like.

08 Jul 2017

126 visits

The finish line is over there!

"And miles to go before I finish . . ."

08 Jul 2017

119 visits

Tearing up the track

It flies, but none of it hits the fans.
20 items in total