IMG 2067

Land of Sri Lanka

Scenes, people and things from inland Sri Lanka.

06 Mar 2014

677 visits

IMG 2067

Sri Lankan hand made wooden kitchen items (mortar and pestle).

17 Feb 2014

3 favorites


564 visits

IMG 2039b

Rice terraces at Watapaluwa village near Kandy, central Sri Lanka.

17 Feb 2014

1 favorite


554 visits

IMG 2027

At rice harvest time in Sri Lanka everyone helps out. The white egrets hang about for food on the edges of the work area.

17 Feb 2014

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503 visits

IMG 2001

After threshing by machine Sri Lankan farmers still use the traditional hand winnowing methods to remove chaff and stalks that the machine missed. The seeds are tossed up by hand using a scoop and are allowed to drop in the breeze (natural air current). The seeds drop down and the lighter chaff is blown to one side by the breeze.

17 Feb 2014

318 visits

IMG 1980

Portable threshing machine at work on a small Sri Lankan farm. The seeds are blown out at the front and the chaff and stalks at the side.

17 Feb 2014

358 visits

IMG 1963

A portable threshing machine is taken round the farms at harvest time to separate the rice seeds from the chaff and stalks.

05 Feb 2014

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384 visits

IMG 1945d

A curious Sri Lankan cow.

05 Feb 2014

1 comment

420 visits

IMG 1927b

Egrets watching the rice harvest in Watapaluwa village, central Sri Lanka, eager to gobble up the insects that get disturbed by the harvesting.

05 Feb 2014

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1 comment

460 visits

IMG 1917

In most parts of Sri Lanka, rice is still harvested by cutting with a hand scythe. Egrets watch, gobbling up the insects that become available.
28 items in total