First Meal

South Korea - 2017

02 Jul 2017

188 visits

First Meal

Budae Jjigae. One translation called this "Army Stew". Typical vegetables and Kimchi, but with processed meats (spam and hotdogs) and baked beans.

03 Jul 2017

190 visits

Guard at Gyeongbokgung

There was a changing of the guard ceremony, and the most impressive thing was watching how they did not flinch or react when everyone just stood next to them for photos afterwards!

03 Jul 2017

213 visits

Guard with Flag

The flag sat listless for quite a while, over his face. But, I assume they are not supposed to move, no matter what. Eventually, a little breeze came through and lifted the fabric off his head.

03 Jul 2017

195 visits

Don't Take Your Photos at the Wrong Spot!

Lucky there are signs to ensure everyone gets the perfect angle.

03 Jul 2017

221 visits


Biggest scallops I've ever seen. We had them at a street market in Seoul. Opened and cooked fresh in front of us. Scallops in butter and cheese... Mmmm....

03 Jul 2017

189 visits

Ceiling in Gyeongbokgung Palace

04 Jul 2017

173 visits

Hanok rooftops, Bukchon

The Bukchon area of Seoul is full of period "Hanok" houses, generally tiled and decorated as in this photo.

05 Jul 2017

236 visits

Raccoons at Chandeokgung

These little guys watched on as we wandered about the palace of Chandeokgung.

05 Jul 2017

193 visits

Dinner with Friends

With Nick, Nina, and Elsa. We met Nick, almost twenty years ago, when we were in northern Vietnam. We think we met at Ha Long Bay, and he was travelling with Adam. It has only taken nineteen years for us to get in to gear and visit ;)
33 items in total