Sinulog Festival

Philippines - 2017

07 Jan 2017

224 visits

Sinulog Festival

There was little chance of us getting in to the cathedral in Cebu with the Sunulog Festival on, one of the biggest in this part of the world. We found a good view in an upstairs dining area of 7-Eleven, watching the crowds partaking with mass on big screens.

07 Jan 2017

212 visits

Fort San Pedro

Hardly anyone was in the fort. I think everyone was at the mass at the cathedral!

08 Jan 2017

183 visits

Interior, St Michaels

St Michaels Church, Argao. The wonderful ceiling murals are considered amongst the finest in Cebu.

08 Jan 2017

214 visits

St Michaels, Argao

The 200 year old church on the east coast of Cebu island.

08 Jan 2017

193 visits


The altar of the church of Boljoon, the oldest in Cebu.

08 Jan 2017

218 visits

Church of Boljoon

Another wonderful building on the eastern coast of Cebu.

09 Jan 2017

210 visits

Our Boljoon Find

Sometimes, when you can't find a place to stay, a place to stay finds you! Wandering, bedraggled and disheartened, a couple driving past said they had a room they could rent to us. This was our outlook.

09 Jan 2017

192 visits

I Wonder Where They Went

A sign at Panagsama Beach, Moalboal.

10 Jan 2017

213 visits

A Hint of the Beauty at Panagsama (Moalboal)

Again, many apologies for the bad photo, but I really did want to show something of how beautiful it was in the water here.
32 items in total