Four Carnivores at Carnivore

Kenya - 2013

White Rhino and Offspring

01 Feb 2013 186
OK, so I don't know if this is mum or dad. I think both were there, though. The three of them appeared, grazing, quite some distance from the road. We were amazed that over the next twenty minutes, they gradually came closer and closer until they were almost upon us. It was then that they seemed to first be aware of our presence, and they backed off a bit.

Here I Am!

01 Feb 2013 167
No attempt to camouflage by this lizard.


01 Feb 2013 141
Near the shore of Lake Nakuru.

Piggy-Back Ride for a Baboon Baby

01 Feb 2013 139
Olive Baboons.

Sucking Down Those Leaves

01 Feb 2013 187
A Rothschilds Giraffe enjoys a tasty shrub.


01 Feb 2013 142
A bill, not only with a great shape, but great colouring too.

Cheeky Blue Monkey

15 Feb 2013 173
When we arrived at Kakamega Forest, they told us to keep our eyes peeled for the blue monkeys. Blue? Really. Well, yes. Not too far different from our blue pussy cat at home.

Lunch Stop

17 Feb 2013 127
Lunch on the lawns, looking down to Lake Victoria, with Mama Judy. On the way to Mbita (Rusinga Island).

Market Bound

18 Feb 2013 120
Pigs, in the back of a regular station wagon. The stench from the car next to us on the ferry was the first sign that this was not a regular carload. The squealing then meant we really had to look in. Seat folded down, and seven pigs inside.

Vervet Monkey

21 Feb 2013 152
Enjoying the attention of a good grooming.

Tawny Eagle

21 Feb 2013 132
Amboseli National Park.

Fighting Elephants

21 Feb 2013 142
We came across these two elephants fighting and antagonising each other. What were they fighting over? Maybe whose turn it was to do the dishes.

Elephant Bums

21 Feb 2013 124
Herds of elephants make their way off the plains and towards the hills, at Amboseli National Park.

An Imposing Elephant

21 Feb 2013 130
Late afternoon.


21 Feb 2013 143
An Amboseli landscape.

Hippo Family

22 Feb 2013 147
At quite some distance, but this trio of grazing hippos had to be included.

With Kilimanjaro

22 Feb 2013 150
It was difficult to see the first day. But the morning of the second day at Amboseli, Kilimanjaro came out for a while. Deceptive, really, as it looks big, but does not appear to be the impressive 5800+ metres of Africa's tallest mountain.


22 Feb 2013 159
A quick look over at us, before continuing on its way.

70 items in total