Lots a Meat for Jo and Kristy

Paraguay, Brazil - 2011

26 Dec 2011

145 visits

Cute Brazilian Nativity

Donkey drinking from a coconut, with sunscreen, and an "ola". Even the gifts of the wise men have been interpreted slightly.

26 Dec 2011

176 visits

Giant Floating Christmas Tree

Lago Rodrigo de Freitas, Rio de Janeiro.

25 Dec 2011

140 visits

Two Men, a Barbecue, and a Fish

Sounds like a great name for a new sitcom, hey. For Christmas lunch, we fired up the barbecue. Hot coals, and sea salt. The fish was beautiful.

25 Dec 2011

145 visits

A Magnificent Christmas Feast

Barbecued fish, chicken, steak, and prawns, potatoes, pumpkin, beans, carrots, snowpeas, and a great dish Kristy whipped up with tomato and onion and breadcrumbs. I still may have missed something? Merry Christmas.

25 Dec 2011

145 visits

Working Off Our Christmas Meal

A workout in the spa after lunch, with coffee and cake.
32 items in total