Sunset, as Viewed From QF004 to Singapore

India - 2010/2011

The "Watering Hole"

07 Jan 2011 124
Lots of sweets, lots of grains, and lots of milk. The rats are well fed at Deshnok's Karni Mata.

Little Content Fatty

07 Jan 2011 143
One of the residents at Karni Mata rat temple, Deshnok.

So, What Now?

07 Jan 2011 194
Hmmm, it is supposed to be good luck to have one of the rats run over your feet, so what does it mean when it climbs your leg? At this point, not sure if Jo or the rat knew what to do! Luckily, it was the rat who decided enough was enough, and turned around and scurried off. It would not have reflected well on us if we had needed to physically hurt the rat to stop it, being revered and worshipped hiere. Karni Mata rat temple, Deshnok.

One of the Many Courtyards

07 Jan 2011 135
The fort of Bikaner is really just a series of courtyards and palaces built by successive Maharajahs. Junagarh, Bikaner.

A Laquered Appearance

07 Jan 2011 140
Inside Junagarh (the fort) of Bikaner.

Wall Details

07 Jan 2011 132
Inside Junagarh (the fort) of Bikaner.

More of Those Arches

07 Jan 2011 131
Inside Junagarh (the fort) of Bikaner.

Jaisalmer Fort

09 Jan 2011 135
Often compared to a sand castle, Jaisalmer fort is just stunning, and many people still live within it. However, it is under threat, primarily because the plumbing was never designed for so many people, particularly hotels and the strain Western tourists place on the water resources.

A Jain Monk

08 Jan 2011 162
Inside the Jain temples of Jaisalmer.

Jain Temple Carving

08 Jan 2011 188
Interior wall decoration in the Jain temples of Jaisalmer.

Temple Interior

08 Jan 2011 172
Inside one of the Jain temples of Jaisalmer.

Tractor Driver

09 Jan 2011 154
Turbaned, moustached, and very Rajasthani. Streets of Jaisalmer.

Hotel Balcony

09 Jan 2011 184
This was our gorgeous balcony in Jaisalmer. It is not wooden - it is entirely made of stone! It is not for chairs and a barbecue, but more ideal for cushions. Cute, hey!

Our Gorgeous Room In Jaisalmer

09 Jan 2011 160
We loved this room. So many nice touches. And the stone sitting balcony just topped it off nicely.

Jaisalmer Fort

08 Jan 2011 172
Jaisalmer fort at dusk.

Rooftop View

10 Jan 2011 177
The mighty fort of Jodhpur, behind. We had coffee on this rooftop. And breakfast one morning. And dinner one evening. Had chai while waiting for our bus...

Jodhpur Fort

10 Jan 2011 168
Approaching the main entrance of Jodhpur, the palace rooms look down from above.

Inside Jodhpur Fort

10 Jan 2011 197
One of the richly decorated palace audience halls in Jodhpur fort.

108 items in total