Sorting Dried Tobacco Leaves

Honduras - 2009

12 May 2009

171 visits


The little train that accesses the wildlife reserve, working its way through banana and coconut plantations. The track has been in use for 90 odd years, and still operates largely for its original purpose of transporting produce.

12 May 2009

182 visits


Two boys from the Garífuna village near the park.

12 May 2009

143 visits

It's A Manatee!

Really, it is! The photo is not great, but it reminds us. We actually saw it quite well, munching away at the surface vegetation. When it saw us, it left with a big splash. Oh, btw, a manatee is sort-of a sea-cow, well sort-of. A mammal, weighing up to 600kg, looking like a very rotund seal.

12 May 2009

147 visits

Boat-Billed Heron

A gorgeous heron watches us warily as we glide by in a canoe.

13 May 2009

172 visits

Heading Across The Mirror Trail

We canoed up a section of river known as the mirror trail. With good reason.

13 May 2009

153 visits


A different sort to the ones we saw in Costa Rica (brown instead of green). However, still with that distinctive head.

14 May 2009

161 visits

Such Great Snorkelling

An idyllic scene at Cayos Cochinos, off the Caribbean coast of Honduras.

16 May 2009

132 visits

Conversing Over Morning Tea

A pair of scarlet macaws stuff themselves on snacks left out by rangers at the Copán Ruins.

16 May 2009

151 visits

"I'm The King Of The Castle"

Jo imagines herself to be a Mayan ruler looking down at her imaginary loyal subjects. We were early in the Copán ruins site, and had most of it to ourselves for much of the time.
27 items in total