Morning One in Budapest

Hungary / Slovakia / Slovena - 2022

03 Apr 2022

45 visits

Morning One in Budapest

Arriving in Budapest, we were graciously hosted in the apartment of Marina and Akos. They said snow was in the forecast, and we woke to the fresh layer. This will probably be our last snowfall for this winter.

03 Apr 2022

50 visits

Wood-fired Stove on an Old Train

Marina and Akos planned a wonderful Sunday for us. The cold and snow only added to the atmosphere and overall enjoyment. - We walked from their apartment to a point where we caught the children's railway - a train service staffed by children, who rotate in teams to keep the system running. Finding a lit stove in our carriage was a nice bonus.

03 Apr 2022

51 visits

Young Ticket Inspectors

The children come through, performing their duties of checking and punching our tickets. In broken English, and using Marina and Akos to translate the rest, we learn about the duties they perform as volunteers on the railway. How often they work, and how much they enjoy being involved in the gyermekvasut. Truly, this was a memorable ride.

06 May 2022

44 visits

Striking Out for our Walk

Fresh snow about, Richard and Akos, heading through suburban streets, to get to the walking trails through the forest.

06 May 2022

1 comment

57 visits

Jo and Marina, Busy with a Selfie

04 Apr 2022

52 visits

At the Fisherman's Bastion

The Danube river, and Budapest Parliament, from Fisherman's Bastion, Buda.

04 Apr 2022

52 visits

Akos Brought Us to One of His Lunch Haunts

Meat, pickles, bread. Cheap and easy. What more do you need for lunch?

04 Apr 2022

48 visits

Wine Bar

Not what you might expect, when using the name wine bar. The majority of wines here cost a pittance, and are ladled from pots into jugs for easier pouring. The barman is also the chef, and has been running the establishment for many years. Akos used to come here in his university days.

06 Apr 2022

51 visits

Posh Coffee Stop

Our third time in Budapest, and our third visit to Café Gerbeaud. Full of style and character that spans scores of decades, it is a highlight treat to stop in.
35 items in total