An Intimate Moment - Mother and Child

Botswana - 2020

01 Jan 2020

1 favorite

137 visits

An Intimate Moment - Mother and Child

Impalas in Chobe National Park.

01 Jan 2020

1 favorite

162 visits

Do I Have Another?

"I have a leaf. Now, maybe in this pile, I have another the same." Young baboon in Chobe.

02 Jan 2020

156 visits

Our First Campsite

Ihaha campsite, Chobe National Park. Our rooftop tent, open and set up.

02 Jan 2020

172 visits

Breakfast Entertainment

During the morning, the area between our campsite and the river was abuzz with activity. Young impalas played and frolicked, and older ones butted heads. It was great morning entertainment to inspire us for a day of park driving.

02 Jan 2020

151 visits

We can Share

An African Fish-eagle and an African Bee-eater, each scanning for their preferred prey. The eagle watches the nearby water, and the bee-eater darts off and picks moths and beetles out of the air.

02 Jan 2020

160 visits

Eyes Bigger than their Stomach?

We watched this African Darter for a while, and he was determined to get the whole fish down his throat in one go. It took many manipulations and adjustments, but eventually, after a bit of trimming, he swallowed it.

02 Jan 2020

172 visits


02 Jan 2020

147 visits


03 Jan 2020

151 visits

Black-backed Jackal

We saw a few jackals, on this morning. There were two here, walking together, parallel to the road. They had a method to their patrol, with a general direcion, but a small amount of zig zagging. They ignored the antelopes and baboons. We certainly got the impression they were looking for prey, though, not just going somewhere. The light was beautiful, and the yellow flowers added to the scene. It was like we weren't there. Not even ignored as a non-threat; I felt we didn't register to them, and their attention was only on the important things in their world. We were observers only.
39 items in total