Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai

China - 2019

18 Apr 2019

172 visits

Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai

Photographing the wonderfully presented Jade Buddha was not allowed. So, here is a shot of some activity just outside.

18 Apr 2019

205 visits

Crab and Pork Dumplings

Jia Jia Tang Bao was listed on one site as probably the best dumplings in Shanghai. There was a warning about the line of people waiting, so we thought we would hit it kind-of off peak, missing the meal times by a bit. We still had to queue for about 15 minutes and wait another 10 or so for our order to be filled. Definitely, definitely, definitely worth the effort of getting here and most definitely worth the wait. Fantastic dumplings.

18 Apr 2019

205 visits

Men Playing Xiangqi

We walked through People's Park. There was an area where people sat around permanent stone tables, playing various games. There were numerous games of Mahjong, some of Xiangqi, and various card games. The most interesting thing, though, was the variety of participants. Not just older men. There were women playing, too. And there were younger people. Small groups gathered around each table, calling out advice and bantering with the players. It was a beautiful scene.

18 Apr 2019

176 visits

Shanghai Silhouette

Late afternoon, walking through one of the city parks. There are many interesting buidings in Shanghai, but the silhouette of this was particularly striking.

18 Apr 2019

184 visits

Nanjing Road

Early evening on Shanghai's Nanjing Road.

19 Apr 2019

164 visits

Xintiandi, Shanghai

Xintiandi is an area which is a mixture of restored shikumen, stone houses, and some new and rebuilt ones. The zone is now dominanted by upmarket restaurants and boutiques.

19 Apr 2019

177 visits

Pudong Skyline

The very Shanghai skyline, the Pudong area. The distinctive and iconic Oriental Pearl Tower at the left end, and to the right, the second tallest building in the world, the Shanghai Tower. The Shanghai World Financial Centre is also visible, nicknamed the bottle opener.

20 Apr 2019

172 visits

Zhujiajiao Old Town

Practically a suburb of Shanghai, Zhujiajiao was a lovely day trip. The old town is set out along canals that join the rivers and the nearby lake, and these canals are crossed by numerous old atmospheric bridges. Sure, the weekend crowds were maddening, making the narrow bridges almost dangerous. Those hordes were the main reason we didn't stay longer, but we had a wonderful time there and it was a perfect contrast to days in downtown Shanghai.

20 Apr 2019

198 visits

Selfie in Zhujiajiao

12 items in total