Temple Roof in Taipei

Taiwan - 2019

08 Apr 2019


162 visits

Temple Roof in Taipei

Qingshan Temple.

08 Apr 2019

162 visits


Main approach to the Chian Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei.

08 Apr 2019

179 visits

Changing of the Guard

During the changing of the guard inside Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. Some pomp, lots of ceremony, and more choreography than you would expect from the average soldier.

08 Apr 2019

1 favorite

1 comment

188 visits

Reflection of the Hall Interior

I suspect these soldiers lose merit points if their helmets are not shiny enough.

08 Apr 2019

192 visits

The View from our Table

50th birthday dinner on the 85th floor of Taipei's 101 building.

08 Apr 2019

179 visits

Jo and an Appetizer Plate

Various delicacies to start the meal, Shin Yeh 101.

08 Apr 2019

201 visits

Double-boiled Abalone, Pork Spare Rib, and Wolfberry

The hot appetizer for my 50th. There were 7 courses, some which had 3 or 4 different items. All in all, I think we had about 15 or so items to dine on. A bottle of red, and a couple of glasses of not-at-all-bad Japanese sparkling wine.

08 Apr 2019

186 visits

Fried Sea Bass with Sweet and Sour Sauce Adorned with Gold Foil

Fried fish - sounds like it will be the most boring of the items for dinner. Nah-ah. It was incredibly done, magnificently flavoured, and probably felt the most decadent because of the addition of gold.

09 Apr 2019

144 visits

101 Building Taipei

Where we ate dinner the previous evening. For some years, this was the tallest building in the world.
32 items in total