View from our Bed

France - 2018

View from our Bed

25 Jun 2018 141
The apartment description said "Eiffel Tower views". We still anticipated we would have to lean out, or stand on a box, or that it only works if the planets are aligned and it's Wednesday. But no, the tower looked like that, from every window.

Dessert, on the Actual Birthday

25 Jun 2018 159
We think everybody at the restaurant sang. Our desserts came out, in spectacular fashion, and we ate them with coffee while the tower sparkled before us.


26 Jun 2018 228
The sumptuous interior of Maxims. I thought we were dining late, but were only the 3rd couple to be seated at 20:15. The majority arrived quite a while after us. It gave us an opportunity to snap a couple of pics without too many people.

The Birthday Dinner

26 Jun 2018 155
Maxim's was closed on Monday. So, we had our special dinner there the following night. A decadent splurge for an amazing wife. Congratulations on your milestone year.

Obligatory Post Dinner Stop

26 Jun 2018 150
Since our apartment was so close, we felt that stopping by Trocadero was not optional. Birthday snap in our birthday finery.

Dinner with Anahi and Alister

27 Jun 2018 140
Alister and Anahi flew in to Paris to meet up with us for a few days, to celebrate. This was the final meal we had together in Paris. It was at a crowded little Portuguese Bar, with tables spilling on to the street (literally, people drinking between parked cars), so they could squeeze as many people in as possible. Brazil were playing in the world cup.

Full Moon and Eiffel Tower

27 Jun 2018 164
On our final night, the moon looked so amazing. I probably should have used a prop of some sort - I had no tripod - but it came out well enough held by hand.

The Impression of Being a Painting

27 Jun 2018 141
A popular spot for a photo or a painting, in Monet's garden in Giverny.

No Joyce, just Annie, Al, and Jo

27 Jun 2018 146
Joyce was not ready for the photo, yet. Her friends went to look for her. We got our photo, and never worked out if elusive Joyce was found, or if she had in fact ditched her bossy travel companions.

Orleans Streetscape

28 Jun 2018 1 195
A typical view in the old town area of Orleans.

Orleans Cathedral

28 Jun 2018 164
Joan of Arc attended mass here in 1429, when she was liberating the city from a siege.

Cathedral Interior, Orleans

"I Don't Care - Talk to the Hand"

28 Jun 2018 1 1 208
Stained glass window, Orleans Cathedral.

Spiral Staircase - Chateau de Blois


02 Jul 2018 140
Around 23 years ago, we came through Saint-Cirq-Lapopie. It was siesta, and the place was deserted. In spite of this, or maybe because of it, the town stayed with us. Jo vowed, many times, that we would return one day and stay here. And so, here we are, to fulfil that undertaking.

Population 200

03 Jul 2018 301
Viewing the medieval centre of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, from the ruined castle at the top of the hill.


03 Jul 2018 139
This is the house we rented in Saint-Cirq-Lapopie. Basement - Kitchen and garden (the town is incredibly sloped!). Ground floor - Entry, sitting area, and bathroom. First floor - Lounge, and great views from front and back. Attic - Bedroom and toilet, and more great views.

500 Year Old Fireplace

05 Jul 2018 154
Sophie confided that the fireplace was a significant fitting that swayed their decision to buy this property. I don't blame them - I would easily be swayed by that single feature, too.

51 items in total