Search through Coldwaterjohn's photos

  Publication date  /  2014  /  October   -   93 photos

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Doggie heaven - three mile meander on a sunny afte…

Doggie heaven - three mile meander on a sunny afte…

Dawn skies

Dawn skies

Dawn skies

Grey Wagtail - first time I have ever seen one per…

Afternoon practice in the sunshine on the clarsach…

Howgate Wonder apple

Evening shadows...

Edinburgh Castle from Princes Street

Time for a barn dance to celebrate the new floor?

Time for a barn dance to celebrate the new floor?

Time for a barn dance to celebrate the new floor?

Time for a barn dance to celebrate the new floor?

Litter lout!

Autumn fruit in the hawthorn hedge

Any bat specialists out there?

Any bat specialists out there?

93 items in total