Fred the Cock Pheasant out for his afternoon stroll round the pond.


Fred the Cock Pheasant out for his afternoon strol…

04 Mar 2013 135
...walking the plank?

Fred the Cock Pheasant out for his afternoon strol…

Flight of a cock pheasant

22 Oct 2012 72
For such brightly coloured plumage, it is remarkably well camouflaged against autumn leaves on trees.

Pheasant shadow

09 Oct 2012 1 105
Considerably miffed at having to give up his sunbathing spot, as I approached!

Pheasants: Two a penny! #1

Pheasants: Two a penny! #2

Young cock pheasant amongst the wildflowers - suns…

Young Cock Pheasant braving the rain

02 Aug 2012 1 195
(Tail not yet grown...)

Cock Pheasant's Evening Stroll down a sunlit field…

Inquisitive Hen Pheasant...

12 Jul 2012 1 107
If you lie still enough for long enough, this hen pheasant will come over to investigate you!

Hen Pheasant looking for breakfast

Hen pheasant at breakfast

Hen pheasant at breakfast

Hen Pheasant waiting for breakfast

Pheasant Collage

19 Jun 2012 83
Better than 17 separate pheasanty shots, no?!

Cock pheasant hiding in the wild flowers bed

14 Jun 2012 101
Leitz Extender x2 and Angenieux Lens = 420mm

Cock Pheasant hiding in the shade of the hedge

13 Jun 2012 84
Taken with Leitz 2x Extender Angenieux lens=420mm

Hen pheasant and wild flowers

13 Jun 2012 1 1 87
Taken with Leitz 2x Extender Angenieux lens=420mm

67 items in total